Posted: June 13, 2019
See attached for the final assessment.
Posted: June 13, 2019
See attached for the final assessment.
Posted: May 23, 2019
Choose an endangered animal and do a project. The way you present your findings in your choice but you must research this:
You can share your findings with me in a Powerpoint, essay, poster. MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
Posted: May 14, 2019
Pour aller a Word click login avec mot de passe - ton mot de passe pour l'école Click les neufs points en haut à gauche.
Cliquez sur les feuilles attachées pour les labos.
1) Labo de limte de croissiance cellulaire (extrait des épines) – Copier et coller le titre, problème, matériel, procède. Ajoutez votre propre hypothèse, votre feuille d’observation, explique tes résultats et répondez aux questions de conclusion.
2) Labo de plantes – Écrivez votre titre, nom, la date, le problème, l’hypothèse, matériel, procède, attaché votre feuille d’observations, résultats et conclusion.
Posted: May 13, 2019
Problem: Understand how different levels of acidity affect the mass of shells
Background knowledge:
Hypothesis: If_______ then _______ because
Type up your lab. SEE ATTACHED for your evaluation rubric and guide to writing a lab.
1) Title and names
2) Statement of the Problem
3) Background Information:
a) What is the historical pH level in the ocean?
b) How much is the pH changing?
c) What organisms does the changing pH affect?
d) What is causing the change in pH levels?
e) What common household ingredients could be mixed with water to change pH in water?
4) Hypothesis: If __________ then ______________ because
5) Materials (as a list)
6) Procedure
7) Results:
a) Analyze your results and explain it to the world - be scientific explaining what you proved with your experiment
b) Ex. The shell that was in lemon juice for 13 days with a pH of 5 experienced a change in weight of 12%. It was also observed that the colour changed, 5 2mm holes were formed and the shell became very brittle breaking easily with slight hand pressure.
8) Conclusion:
a) Answer your intital question
b) Explain whether your hypothesis was correct
c) Explain any potential mistakes in this experiment (like evaporation)
d) How can this information be applied to the real world problem of the rise in ocean acidification?
e) What further research could be done in our lab and out on the oceans to learn more about this problem?
Posted: April 15, 2019
Consider electricity, efficiency, comfort/creativity and the outside environment.
Posted: April 5, 2019
Test mercredi le 10 avril, 2019
Posted: March 27, 2019
You can present your learning in a PowerPoint or poster or writing piece. Make sure you count out your points in your presentation so that you get full marks. We will work on this alternating days for a week or so - it will be due April 12th.
Posted: March 27, 2019
Due Friday, March29th
Posted: March 26, 2019
Here are the climate change video questions it should be easier to follow the link than typing in the URL:
Posted: March 25, 2019
Read the following article:
Answer the following questions - hand in at the end of the period for marks. Due Wednesday, March 27th. FOR A TWO POINT QUESTION MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TWO STRONG POINTS. FOR A THREE POINT QUESTION THREE POINTS ETC...