Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues


Un travail individuel.  Choisis une de planètes ou lunes suivantes: le soleil, Mercure, Vénus, notre lune, Mars, Cérès, Jupiter, Io, Europe (Europa en anglais), Saturne, Uranus, Neptune, Triton, Pluton, ou la comète Haley.

Recherche au moins 10 faits au sujet de cette planète/lune.  Utilise ton intelligence et ton créativité pour inventer des adaptions physiologiques (dans son corps) pour survivre sur cette planète.  Construis ton extra-terrestre avec la pâte à modeler ou les autres matériaux dans la classe.  Tu peux aussi dessiner ton créature.  Fais une liste des 10 faits avec les 10 adaptations physiologiques.


Quelques sites crédibles: (vocabulaire en français)


Exemple: sur mon bureau dans la salle 103 il y a un extra-terrestre en pâte à modeler.  Il vit sur Vénus.  L'atmosphère est toxique alors son peau est très dur et imperméable.  

Date limite: le 29 mars




  1. Nom
  2. Titre
  3. Date
  4. Tableau d'obsevations bien écrit
  5. Résultas: Résume tes résultats.  (4 points) Explique les fautes possibles de l'expérience. Pourquoi y-a-t il de la variété dans les résultats de deux objets identiques? (3 points)
  6. Conclusion:  Explique quels facteurs tu crois affecte la chute des objets vers la terre basé sur l'evidence de ton expérience. (3 points)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Posted: February 15, 2019

2 photos/dessins du levé ou couché du soleil x 6 semaines

6 dessins des constellations ou la lune

Calendrier qui indique l'heure du levé et couché du soleil =

Date limite le 27 mars


Due Date: 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Posted: February 6, 2019

Multiple Intelligences Inventory

Posted: February 6, 2019

Envrironmental Science 120 - Intro Quiz

Posted: February 1, 2019

All courses:

Due to the importance of being and active contributing members of a group for many of the projects marks will be earned based on the days present and working on a project.  For example, if a project takes ten class days to complete and a student only attends five they will receive 50% of the mark that the group received.


All marks are based on a scale where a “C” indicates that work is sufficient but needs in improvement; a “B” is proficient; and an “A” indicates exceptional work. Students will have many opportunities for feedback and to improve their work before they hand in a final project.


BLMS late assignment policy:

-    To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date.

-    For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%).  Weekends count as one day.

-    If a student is absent on a due date, a written excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply.

-    A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with.  Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade.

-    In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than 2 weeks after the given due date of the assignment.  Term marks are final.


BLMS Attendance Incentive –

Exams are normally worth 30% of students’ mark. To reach Academic Incentive, a student must meet the following criteria:

1)               Miss 5 or fewer classes in that particular subject (school activities exempted); AND

2)               Be in good standing (not owing for assignments, projects, etc.)


The subject teacher will then apply one of the three following options to the student’s advantage:

1)               15% Final Exam, 85% Class Mark

2)               50% Final Exam, 50% Class Mark


Extra help is available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at lunch upon request. 


World Issues 120 – period 3

This course is designed with the intention exploring world issues that are both relevant to the students and current by studying evolving issues.  Students will read, write, interview and present projects.  The emphasis of this course is on collaborative learning and discussion; therefore, students with irregular attendance are not likely to succeed. 

 Participants in this course must be respectful of the opinions and cultures of others within the class.  This class will not be emotionally comfortable.  The subjects discussed will be controversial and our opinions may be challenged.

 Due to the importance of being and active contributing members of a group for many of the projects marks will be earned based on the days present and working on a project.  For example, if a project takes ten class days to complete and a student only attends five they will receive 50% of the mark that the group received.


 Tentative assignments

Semester  1

Bias and culture

Novel and presentation

Resource depletion



Semester 2

Environmental, economic and social issues

Novel and presentation




Final project that includes aspects of all of the previous units




Sciences FI9 – period 2 and 3


The aim of the grade 9 science program is to develop scientific literacy.  Scientific literacy is a combination of the science-related attitudes, skills, and knowledge students need to develop.  These skills will allow students to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them. To develop scientific literacy, students require diverse learning experiences that provide opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate, and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society, and the environment. (ACSC)

Course Content: The grade 9 science program consists of two units:

Unit#1: Space (6-8 weeks)                           Unit #2: Reproduction (8-10 weeks)

a)    Star vs. Planet                                    a) Cell Theory

b)    The Solar System                               b) Cell Growth and Reproduction

c)    Effects of Planetary Motion             c) Cell Division

d)    Rotation vs.  Revolution                   d) Zygotes and Development

e) DNA

f) Cloning

Marking Scheme:

25% - Lab Work/Reports/Projects

30 % - Unit Tests (two to three per unit)

20 % - Quizzes (three to five per unit)

25% - Daily Assignments/Homework/Preparedness (having all materials required for class)


Term 1: 35%                           Term 2: 35%                           Final Exam: 30%

3)     50% Final Exam, 50% Class Mark


Lab Reports – There will be practical labs requiring lab reports to be handed in.   If a lab is missed, it will be the responsibility of the student to come in at the assigned lunch hour to do the lab.  They will not be made up during class time.

Expectations – It is assumed that each student will do all assigned work to the best of their ability and come for extra help when necessary. 

-Students are responsible for ensuring they are adequately prepared for class, with all essential materials, and their homework complete.

-Students are responsible for all work assigned, whether or not they were present when the work was given. 

-Due dates are to be respected.  If there is a problem regarding a due date, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.

-Students are also expected to be polite, respectful, prepared, and on time.

Environmental Science 120 – period 5

This course is structured very differently than most courses currently being offered.  It structured around student interests and current environmental issues.  Students will consider the environment from the perspective of their own personal behaviours, government, Indigenous perspectives and sustainable development.  


Most importantly students should realize that this will be a project-based course where they choose their own environmental concerns and implement strategies to improve that problem.  They will need to be active learners. They will work from a scientific perspective to research, experiment and present their findings with respect to a current issue.


Tentative assignments:

Terms 1 and 2








Final project that includes aspects of all of the previous units



Posted: December 3, 2018

Quiz - provinces/territoires et villes capitales (aussi Ottawa) - mercredi le 5 décembre

Quiz - les régions physiographiques - jeudi le 6 décembre



Posted: November 28, 2018

All schools are open today - the field trip is going. And we can use the Salmon River road so there will be drop offs in Harcourt, Bass River, Elsipogtog and at the school. Bus leaves at 8:35.

Posted: November 27, 2018

  1. Carte blanche # 1 - provinces, territoires, villes capitales, coloriée
  2. Carte de relief - villes capitales, les régions physiographiques
  3. Page de latitude/lognitude et fuseaux horraires
  4. Quiz - continents, océans, latitude/longitude, fuseaux horraires


Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020


Colour Wheel
Touch-up directions
IS - Video Announcement Rubric
IS - Critique Rubric