As we approach the end of Semester One, it's crunch time! Attendance is crucial over the next two weeks as teachers focus on completing final assessments and exam reviews.
Happy summer! Rest and refresh! Congratulations to our 2024 grads!
The school administrative assistant will be available from 8:30-11:30 on Mondays only in the summer if you are looking for transcripts or to pick up a yearbook etc.
School will begin for grade 9s September 3rd and 10, 11, 12’s on September 4th. Boomerang crew will have training on Thursday August 29th from 9-2:30 with lunch provided.
Please see the exam schedule attached. A reminder that if students miss an exam that they will not be allowed to re-write without an official excuse like a doctor's note. Students arriving late will not be granted extra time.
This week is review week here at all high schools in the province. Attendance is absolutely critical as students get ready for exams next week. Take advantage of reviews to ask questions and try different strategies for mastering content.
We have a great group of newly trained and returning tutors available to help students during study block. Contact guidance or to sign up.
On September 26th, students will have the chance to get out of their second period class to participate in the Terry Fox walk if they raise a minimum of $10.
Here are our tutors available to help students every day during study block.. Sign up here or from the link of the navigation bar on the top of this page: Peer Tutor Sign-up (