
Posted: November 13, 2018

November 17th from 9-3:30 BLMS TADD (Teens Against Drinking and Driving) will host students from all across the province to learn strategies for diminishing impaired driving in their communities.  Welcome!  

Posted: October 4, 2018

Students of BLMS were the only school in the province that had the privelege of teleconferencing today with Canadian Astronaut David St. Jacques.

He is training to go to the International Space Station in November. He will serve as co-pilot and act as medical office for the station. The student were able to ask questions and get firsthand information about his upcoming trip.


Posted: September 28, 2018

Prayer Ties in honor of those Residential School Survivors and those who did not make it back.

Posted: September 25, 2018

The BLMS PSSC is looking for volunteers to sit on their committee. If you are interested in being part of this, please call the main office at 523-7160 by October 1st and leave your information with the administration. First meeting will take place on October 2nd. 

Posted: September 21, 2018

All five candidates for the provincial elections participated in a debate for the whole school on September 18th.  Students will also be participating in Student Vote on Monday during the provincial election.  Thank you so much for coming out and helping us to understand the electoral process.

Posted: September 17, 2018

Wednesday, September 19th, from 5:15 until 6:30, we will be holding our Open House.


This is a time for you to come to our school, meet your child's teachers, receive some important information and tour the school. 

5:15-5:30 you can pick up your child's schedule and use this for your school tour.

5:30-5:50 information session in the theater

5:50-6:30 school tour/visit your child's classrooms and meet their teachers.

Posted: August 17, 2018

Back to school for grade 9's and tne Boomerang crew September 4th at 8:25 am.  Everyone else is back September 5th.  Boomerang crew training August 30th from 9-2:30 pm.  School supply list:


Posted: June 22, 2018

For those students who may need a second chance at a course there are two opporutnities for summer school.  For Miramichi follow this link and for Moncton follow this link https://www.monctonsu

Posted: May 24, 2018

June Exam Schedule is posted throughout the school, main lobby and on our Facebook page! Students need to remember to be on time, return text books when required and come prepared the day of your exam! Keep's Exam Time!

Posted: May 10, 2018

BLMS Drama presents a Family Reunion to Die For.  May 15-17th in the BLMS theater at 7pm.  Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults for reservations call 523-7160.


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