a. We will not have food services next week. Please note that on TUESDAY (8th) and WEDNESDAY (9th) we will be serving a pizza lunch to our new students. On Thursday and Friday, students will have to bring their own lunches.
b. Further information regarding cafeteria food services is still to be determined.
We hope everyone is well and making the best of current circumstances. We’ve been thinking about, and planning for, our students all summer. We have a lot of information to share with you throughout the coming weeks.
Parents, Guardians and Students: Please take the time to closely read this guide provided by the department of education regarding the return to school. Beginning next week, we will be sharing more specific information related to our school.
Saturday's 2020 graduation video is going to be streamed here live from 9-3:45. If you have family members that would like to see the graduation and are not part of our BLMS Facebook group send out a suggestion that they join us before then. Note they have to answer the membership questions before they will be approved.
Now that we are in the yellow phase of the NB recovery plan, and because our plan for graduation has been approved, we are excited to share it with you today! Our plan was generated with the goal of providing our 2020 graduates with an experience as close to our traditional graduation ceremony as possible. We believe that they deserve to walk the stage, in cap and gown, have family/friends cheering for them in the audience, have their photo taken, and receive their diplomas.
Follow this link and login with your usual school login id and password to choose courses for next year: https://sisasdn.nbed.nb.ca/public/home.htmlMake sure to only pick 10 c