World Issues – Colonialism and Reconciliation project

Posted: March 27, 2019

  1. Choose a country that has been colonized.  (You can't choose Canada or Europe). Tell the teacher your choice.
  2. Place that country on a world map (2 points)
  3. Create a timeline of 10 important events in the colonization of that country (20 points)
  4. Explain two laws or policies from that country that are discriminatory and explain (6 points)
  5. Name two leaders who are speaking out (or have spoken out) for indigenous rights in that country and explain their message (6 points)
  6. Name some of the steps that country has taken for reconciliation (4 points)
  7. What do you propose needs to be done to further improve the situation in that country? (2 points)

You can present your learning in a PowerPoint or poster or writing piece.  Make sure you count out your points in your presentation so that you get full marks.  We will work on this alternating days for a week or so - it will be due April 12th.