Posted: March 25, 2019
Read the following article:
Answer the following questions - hand in at the end of the period for marks. Due Wednesday, March 27th. FOR A TWO POINT QUESTION MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TWO STRONG POINTS. FOR A THREE POINT QUESTION THREE POINTS ETC...
- Consider how much light bulbs have decreased in energy requirements in the last 20 years. Explain here how this makes it easier to generate electricity (page 1, 2 points)
- Can you imagine how different your life would be with no power in your home? List the ways in which your life would be different (page 2, 3 points)
- What is the problem with electricity that is fueled with fossil fuels? (page 2, 2 points)
- Did you ever consider how access to electricty affects people's quality of life so profoundly? Discuss with examples (page 3, 2 points)
- What is enivronmentally impact of the alternatives to electricity listed in the article? (page 4, 2 points)
- Which of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals could assisted by bringing electricity to the one billion people on the planet who don't have it? List the goals by number (3 points) and then choose one and explain how electricity would help meet that goal. ( 3 points )