Posted: September 25, 2014
Ms. Glendenning Notes
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: September 19, 2014
Posted: September 17, 2014
Your assignment is to write a response poem to Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to his Love".Specs:try to immitate Marlowe's form as much as possible. Stay true to rhythm, rhyme scheme and stanza length16 lines minimum / 24 lines maximuminclude 3 examples of figurative language (metaphor, paradox, conceit, simile, hyperbole, personification, etc...)good copy format - typed or blue/black inkinclulde a paraphrase of your poem and be sure to identify and explain the three examples of figurative language you usedDUE: FRIDAY, SEPT. 19th
Posted: May 19, 2014
Hello,Attached you will find handouts for the multigenre project (explanation and requirements) and the multigenre project rubric. The final polished copy of your project is due June 2nd. We will present in a 'fair' setting, where your projects will be on display for your peers and myself to see. Remember, ASK QUESTIONS! COME FOR HELP IF NEEDED! ASK FOR FEEDBACK!
Posted: May 8, 2014
My Sister's Keeper test is tomorrow. Review is attached. Be sure to use the correct review for the period you are in.
Posted: May 6, 2014
Hi folks,Remember to finish up My Sister's Keeper tonight at home. Our final discussion class will be tomorrow so have your HOTS questions ready to present (you know who you are). The novel test will be on Friday, May 9th. (The 2 of you in Ottawa, don't worry, you can write it when you return) As we near the end of the novel unit, I've asked you to begin thinking of a theme/issue/question to focus your multigenre project around. Keep thinking! You will be getting more info on this next week.
Posted: April 29, 2014
Hi everyone, Great job on the group HOTS question activity! Lots of talk on author choice/purpose. Attached you will find Journal 2 (this was due last Friday, Apr. 25th...posted late, but better than never :)) and Journal 3, due on Monday, May 5th. And...HOTS people, you know who you are...your questions are due tomorrow.
Posted: April 15, 2014
Hi everyone,Attached you will find a copy of the reading schedule, Journal #1 (due tomorrow), and the HOTS schedule.
Posted: April 8, 2014
Hi everyone,We started our novel unit today. We went over the format/organization of how the unit will go and we also created a H.O.T.S schedule. Good work on your pre-reading journals, make sure these are finished for tomorrow. Attached you can find all the handouts.
Posted: March 30, 2014
Remember, the draft copy of your body paragraphs is due tomorrow. If it's a snow day, it's due Tuesday! Have fun :)
Posted: March 25, 2014
Good work on your Macbeth essay introductions today. Good peer conferencing too. For those I did not get to meet with today, you will be first up tomorrow, however, if there's no school, it'll be Thursday. If there is no school, I strongly recommend you take an hour or two at home to work on the draft of your body paragraphs. You will have Thursday's class too but this won't be enough time in my opinion. Remember, all body paragraphs are due Friday, Mar. 28th.
Posted: March 24, 2014
Today we reviewed MLA formatting (in-text citations, direct and indirect quotations, works cited page, page 1 info, etc...). You can find the power point attached. Be sure to come ask questions if you have any!Reminder: Your introduction is due tomorrow (formative mark). Make sure you have all necessary materials with you. We will do some peer and teacher conferencing.
Posted: March 19, 2014
Hi everyone,Today we went over how to write your thesis statement and how to support your thesis statement. You were also given a bit of time to work on drafting your thesis statement. I got to check in with quite a few of you and look forward to meeting with the rest of the class tomorrow. Good work so far! Tomorrow is a lab day; the last one. Be sure to have your 2 external sources printed as well as your essay outline ready for class on Friday. This is a formative check point. I've attached the handouts we went over in class today.
Posted: March 14, 2014
Hi folks,
Today we discussed your Act V HOTS questions. Quiz will be on Monday. Also, we went over the MLA essay topics for Macbeth. We will begin working on this Tuesday next week. Attached you can find the HOTS questions for Act V as well as the MLA essay handout.
Posted: February 26, 2014
Today we performed Act IV of Macbeth. If you were absent be sure to read this at home. Tomorrow we will be getting in groups to create our H.O.T.S questions. Then you will answer them as a group. Groups will then lead discussion on Friday.