Ms. Glendenning Notes

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Posted: January 14, 2011

By now, you all should have a fairly decent start on your final project for Creative Writing. Remember, these are due on Thursday, Jan. 20th. On the due day we will be presenting these to the class (booth method). As we agreed in class, if you are not here on presentation day, you lose these marks! Be creative and have fun, I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)
Your newspaper assignment is due MONDAY, JAN. 17th!!

Posted: January 14, 2011

       You will be writing your English Language Arts Provincial Assessment Thursday and Friday next week, the 20th and 21st of January. It is crucial for you to prepare yourself for this exam. The best way to do this is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Below, I have given you some writing prompts to work on over the weekend. Try to write one piece in 1 hour. Use the writing process for best results, don't just write one copy and say it's the final one. Remember the outline given for time:     Brainstorming (the outline) 10 - 15 minutes  Draft - 20 - 25 minutes  Editing and Revising - 10 - 15 minutes  Final Copy - 10 - 15 minutes Also, remember to use the "Revising and Editing Checklist". This will be the same checklist given to you during the exam. Make sure you can check off each writing trait to make sure you have everything you need!   Here are you prompts: Narrative: You find an old folded up map. When you open it and blow the dust away the first words you see are "Treasure map". Write a fictional story about an adventure seeking for the treasure. Persuasive: Should students be permitted to use electronic devices during class time? Why or why not? Memoire: Write about one of the best experiences of your life.

Posted: December 16, 2010

Quiz on Act V tomorrow, Dec. 17th. "The Merchant of Venice" Unit test will be on Tuesday, Dec. 21st. We will be doing a review on Monday.

Posted: December 13, 2010

Act 4 questions due tomorrow as well as the following questions: 1.Look at the behaviors of the men in this trial: Antonio, Bassanio, Shylock, Gratiano, and the Duke. How does each respond to the proceedings in the courtroom? How is Portia different from all these men?   2.Write the conversation between Portia and Nerissa will have on the coach ride back to Belmont. (½  – ¾ page long) Quiz tomorrow on Act 4!!    

Posted: December 13, 2010

You will be working on your Myth Storybook on the following days: Monday, Dec. 13th Wednesday, Dec. 15th Monday, Dec. 20th This project is due Wednesday, Dec. 22nd.   Your final projects (what we have come up with together) are due January, 20th. We will be presenting these in "booth" format. We will be working on these every Tuesday and Thursday from now until then. Use time wisely.

Posted: December 8, 2010

You have a quiz tomorrow, Dec. 9th,  on ACT III of "The Merchant of Venice" Act III questions are due tomorrow.

Posted: December 2, 2010

 Here are your homeowrk questions for tonight: (Due Dec. 3rd) 1.Based on how Shylock has been treated by Christians, is it wrong for him to want revenge? If positions were reversed, would Antonio demand fulfillment of the bond according to the terms that were set? 2.How is Portia’s demeanor with Bassanio different from that with her other suitors? What new side of Portia are we seeing? Give support for your answer from the text.

Posted: November 26, 2010

We finished Act II of "The Merchant of Venice" today. You will have a quiz on Act II Tuesday, Nov. 30th. If you were absent any day, you need to be ready to start Act III on Monday. It is your responsibility to get caught up.  

Posted: November 25, 2010

We have read up to Act II, scene vii. If you have missed class you should still be reading at home.   Homework Question: (due Friday, Nov. 26th) Today was the first of many mention of disguises or disguising in the play. What are advantages and disadvantages of a disguise? What purpose do they serve? How successful do you think the characters who disguise themselves will be? Your response should be at least 1/2 page and make reference to specific instances in the play.

Posted: November 22, 2010

You are working on your "Do-it Yourself" project. You guys created these projects so have fun with them and be creative! Bring all necessary supplies with you to class. This is due Dec. 6th. Also, part of your grade will come from how productive you are during the given class time. Time management is key. I am give you lots of time so I expect the end results to be grand! :)

Posted: November 22, 2010

Your photo summary assignment is due tomorrow, Nov. 23rd. We are starting Act II tomorrow. Be in class so you don't get behind!!!!

Posted: November 18, 2010

We have now finished Act 1 of the "Merchant of Venice". Homework for tonight is to answer Act 1 questions. Also, we will have a quiz on Act 1 tomorrow, Friday Nov. 19th.

Posted: November 18, 2010

Your "Random Creation" short story is due on Monday, Nov. 22nd.

Posted: November 8, 2010

Final copy of your short story is due tomorrow. Get them in on time! We are starting Shakespeare this week. Be in school! It is very important to be here everyday to fully understand the play! We will be reading "The Merchant of Venice"
