Ms. Glendenning Notes

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Posted: September 6, 2013

Please go to the following link and do the Multiple Intelligences test. This will be our Text of the Week! Make sure to have a printed copy with you for Monday's class.

Posted: September 5, 2013

Make sure to read the Critical Thinking article for homework tonight. Mark the text and show me your thinking in the margins, by underlining or highlighting words etc... See you tomorrow!

Posted: September 3, 2013

Hey folks,This year I'm teaching:English 11-2 - period 1 and 3Post Intensive French 10 - Period 2 and 5 Looking forward to seeing all of you!

Posted: September 21, 2012

Hi, Homework for the weekend: read lines 296 - 443 and write a paraphrase on your index card. To be handed in on Monday. Also, start brainstorming ideas for your Beowulf assignment.

Posted: September 17, 2012

Finish reading lines 59-175 of Beowulf. Show evidence of a close reading by marking up the text. Rememer to identify kennings, foreshadowing and aphorisms. See you tomorrow!
It would be an awesome idea to work on your project over this long weekend!!!! Just saying....

Posted: May 1, 2012

Have Act 3 questions finished for Monday, May 7th. Be ready to discuss. Quiz on Tuesday (Act 1, 2, and 3)
Your assignment for Act 1 is due on Tuesday, Apr. 24th. No more class finish up your good copies at home.

Posted: April 19, 2012

Monday you will be writing a quiz on part one of TKAM. Lower level and HOTS questions! Also, come prepared to work on your collage assignment after you finish the quiz. This means bringing glue, magazines, newspapers, paper, scissors, etc...

Posted: April 17, 2012

By now you should have finished reading part 1 (ch.1 - 11). We will be having a quiz next Monday, Apr. 23rd on these chapters (lower level and HOTS questions) Homework is discussion questions for ch. 10 and 11. You can find these in the attachment. Please have them complete by Thursday. I will be checking and we will be having our class discussion. FYI: Assignment will be assigned Thursday as well.
File ch_10_and_11.docx10.81 KB

Posted: March 29, 2012

Your homework for tonight is: 1. Vocab for Ch. 2 and 3 2. Discussion questions 1-4 (Remember these are HOTS questions!) Be prepared for class discussion tomorrow. :)  
This is the mini book recomendation project. :)

Posted: March 23, 2012

If you're fixing up your MLA essay to have it marked again you need to have it handed in on Monday, March. 26th!
