Mr. Mundle

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Weather Station Information - Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Sunrise: 7:49 Sunset: 4:33 Temp: 6 Hum: 100 Barometer: 1016.1 hPa at 8AM rising; hPa at 1:30 PM ; Dew Point: 7 Wind Chill: 7 Prec: 0mm Wind Speed: 0; 10 minute average is 0  Wind Direction: ESE Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change; precipitation possible within 24 - 48 hours.

Posted: December 5, 2011

Weather Station Information - Monday, December 5th, 2011 Sunrise: 7:48 Sunset: 4:33 Temp: 8 at 8 AM; 12 at 1PM; Hum: 100 Barometer: 1022.2 hPa at 8AM steady; 1020.4 hPa at 1PM falling; hPa at 3PM falling; Dew Point:9 Wind Chill: 6 Prec: 0mm Wind Speed: 8; 10 minute average is 10  Wind Direction: SW Forecast: Increasing clouds and little temperature change; precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours
Weather Station Information - Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 Sunrise: 7:42 Sunset: 4:35 Temp: 11 at 8 AM; 16 at 1PM; Hum: 100 Barometer: 1008.0 hPa at 8AM falling; 999.6 hPa at 1PM falling; 998.7 hPa at 3PM falling; Dew Point:11  Wind Chill: 9 Prec: 0mm Wind Speed: 23; 10 minute average is 18  Wind Direction: ESE Forecast: Increasing clouds and cooler; precipitation possible within 6 hours; windy with possible wind shift to W, NW or N.


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Added: Fri, May 10 2013