Mr. Mundle

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Metals Fabrication 110 (Welding) Course Outline

Metal Fabrication 110 course outline – 20-21     Name: ______________ 


Mr. D. Mundle                                                                                Fall 2020 
A basic welding and metal fabrication course which stresses theory and applications used in welding methods including arc welding, oxyacetylene welding, brazing, cutting, and soldering. This course also includes practice in advanced arc welding techniques in all positions. MIG, plasma arc, and flame cutting equipment are all used. Emphasis is placed on introducing the student to the welding industry including using various hand tools and power toolsInstruction is also given on sheet metal layout and construction. 


Course Outline 

Each of the following will be introduced in theory and then practiced in the shop. 

  • Shop Safety 

  • Welding history 

  • Characteristics of metal 

  • Oxy-Acetylene welding   

  • Arc Welding 

  • Mig Welding  

  • Plasma Cutting 

  • Oxy Acetylene Cutting 

  • Spot Welding 

  • Measurement and design using metal. 




  • Shop Safety20% 

  • Theory and questions20% 

  • Tests and Quizzes20% 

  • Shop practice and project work40% 


Proper footwear and Eyewear are necessary at all times. 

Protective clothing necessary during shop practice. 


It is the students responsibility to obtain proper footwear (safety shoes or boots) and protective clothing such as coveralls or a shop coat. Eyewear, aprons and welding gloves will be made available.  


Absenteeism and marks  

A legitimate absence is for school related activities, illness or bereavement.    


Group marks  

Group marks will be earned based on your days present and working with your team.  For example, if a project takes ten class days to complete and the group receives a mark of 80%; but you were only there for 5 days you would receive a 40%.  Even if you have a legitimate reason for being absent the expectation is that you will make up for the time you missed by contributing to the group from home or working during study block when you are able.  Alternatively, if you know you are going to be absent you may choose to work alone if the teacher gives you that option.  


In-class project marks 

You will be marked based on the number of days that you are present and participating in class.  If, for example, you earn a shop mark of 70% and you were there 90% of the time your mark would be 63%.  


Late assignment policy:  

  • To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date.  

  • For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%).  Weekends count as one day.  

  • If a student is absent on a due date, a written legitimate excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply.  

  • A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with.  Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade.  

  • In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than one week after the given due date of the assignment.  Term marks are final. 


Canadian Geography 120 – Weekly Assignment / Worksheet Check off list

Canadian Geography 120 – Checklist of course material and assignments to be covered





Week 1


Read all of the content pages of the Introduction section of the course.


Complete the introductory activities. – due date of Sept 18th


Week 2


Begin Module 1: Canada: Its Dimensions, Boundaries, Area and Location.


Begin Module 1 Worksheet 1. – due date of Sept 25th


Week 3


Complete Module 1 Worksheet 1.


Complete Module 1 Worksheet 2.


Try the Highlights of Canada's Geography Self-Assessment.


Arrange for your end-of-module quiz with your LF.


Complete the Module 1 Quiz. – due date of Oct 2nd


Week 4


Begin Module 2: The Physical Basis of Canadian Geography. 


Begin Module 2 Worksheet.


Complete the Rocks Over Time and Landforms of Geology and Glaciation Self-Assessments. – due date of Oct 9th


Week 5


Continue with the Module 2 Worksheet.


Complete the Climate, Vegetation and Soil Self-Assessment. – due date of Oct 16th


Week 6


Complete Module 2 Worksheet.


Confirm that you have you attempted all three of the Module 2 Self-Assessments.


Arrange for your end-of-module quiz with your LF.


Complete the Module 2 Quiz. – due date of Oct 23rd


Week 7


Begin Module 3: The Settlement of Canada.


Begin Module 3 Worksheet.


Complete the Canada'a Native Peoples and Settlers, Settlement Patters and Immigration Self-Assessments. – due date of Oct 30th


Week 8


Complete Module 3 Worksheet.


Confirm that you have attempted both of the Module 3 Self-Assessments.


Arrange for your end-of-module quiz with your LF.


Complete the Module 3 Quiz. – due date of Nov 6th


Week 9


Begin Module 4: Natural Resources and Primary Industries.


Begin Module 4 Worksheet.


Complete the Primary Resources (Forestry and Agriculture) Self-Assessment. - due date of Nov 13th


Week 10


Continue with the Module 4 Worksheet.


Complete the Primary Resources (Fishing, Mining, Energy) Self-Assessment. – due date of Nov 20th


Week 11


Complete Module 4 Worksheet.


Confirm that you have attempted both of the Module 4 Self-Assessments.


Arrange for your end-of-module quiz with your LF.


Complete the Module 4 Quiz. – due date of Nov 27th


Week 12


Begin Module 5: The Economy, Industry and Employment.


Begin Module 5 Worksheet.


Complete the Canadian Economy and Transportation and Communication Self-Assessments. – due date of Dec 4th


Week 13


Complete Module 5 Worksheet.


Confirm that you have completed both Module 5 Self-Assessments.


Arrange for your end-of-module quiz with your LF.


Complete the Module 5 Quiz. – due date of Dec 11th


Week 14


Begin Module 6: Links to the World.


Begin Module 6 Worksheet.


Complete the Links to the World Self-Assessment. – due date of Dec 18th


Week 15


Complete Module 6 Worksheet.


Confirm that you have completed the Module 6 Self-Assessment.


Arrange for your end-of-module quiz with your LF.


Complete the Module 6 Quiz. – due date of Jan 8th


Week 16


Begin Module 7: Research Project - A Geographical Perspective on a Current Canadian Issue.


Choose your research topic for Module 7 Research Assignment.


Confirm your research topic for Module 7 Research Assignment with the OT.


Begin working on the Module 7 Research Assignment. – due date of Jan 15th


Week 17


Complete your citations and reference list for Module 7 Research Assignment. 


Submit the Module 7 Assignment to the dropbox for grading. – due date of Jan 22nd


Week 18


Prepare for Exam – due date of Jan 22nd




Canadian Geography 120 – 1st Semester - Sept 2020 to Jan 2021 – Online Course with Mr. D. Mundle




Canadian Geography 120 includes seven mandatory modules of study:

Module 1: Canada's Location, Boundaries and Dimensions 
Module 2: The Physical Basis of Canadian Geography
Module 3: Settling the Land
Module 4: Managing Natural Resources
Module 5: Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Industries
Module 6: Continental and Global Links
Module 7: A Geographic Perspective on a Current Canadian Issue


Course Overview and Grading Scheme

The introductory activities do not return a grade mark; however, you are required to complete them to ensure familiarity with the BrightSpace environment. They comprise the Learning Information Survey and the Autobiography section in the discussion forum. To succeed in this course, you must be able to work independently and to research information on the Internet. Most of the course work involves the use of online material and Internet research. You will be expected to go beyond the information presented within the course to develop a well-rounded understanding of the Canadian landscape and an understanding of the impact of current global issues on our nation. 

Worksheets (30%)

There are several worksheets of varying lengths in this course. For each worksheet, be sure to use full, complete sentences unless otherwise directed, and pay special attention to correct spelling and grammar. Spelling and grammar count on all submissions. Proofread and edit all of your work!

Include your name, date, school, and title at the top of the first page for each submission to the dropbox for worksheets. Create a new Word file for each worksheet that you complete. If a hand-drawn image is required, scan your completed image and then include it in the doc. Name each file according to its appropriate module number and worksheet number and your name (e.g.M1W1_YourName for Module 1 Worksheet 1). In order to finish all of the worksheets on time; work must be completed while at home (every other day). Allow for a three-day turnaround time before expecting to see the marked assignment back in the course dropbox.

Final Assignment (20%)

One of the final requirements for this course is the final research assignment that comprises Module 7. The requirements for this assignment will be explained in far greater detail when you reach that part of the course, but you should be aware now that you will be defining, researching and reporting on a specific issue in Canadian geography. As with your worksheets, spelling and grammar will count for this submission. Proofread and edit all of your work!

Self-Assessments (no grade)

The course offers several self-assessments. They will help you to check your understanding of the main concepts, as you progress through the course. You will not earn a grade for completing these self-assessments, but they can serve as great study aids.

Quizzes (20%)

There are several end-of-module quizzes in this course. You must write quizzes at school, and your LF must supervise you when you write them. Be sure to let your LF know in advance of any quiz you are ready to write so that the LF can request the password for the quiz from your OT.

Open-Book Exam (30%)

The final examination in this course is an open-book assessment. You will be supervised by your LF or another in-school teacher as you complete the assessment.


Absenteeism and marks 

A legitimate absence is for school related activities, illness or bereavement.   


Group marks 

Group marks will be earned based on your days present and working with your team.  For example, if a project takes ten class days to complete and the group receives a mark of 80%; but you were only there for 5 days you would receive a 40%.  Even if you have a legitimate reason for being absent the expectation is that you will make up for the time you missed by contributing to the group from home or working during study block when you are able.  Alternatively, if you know you are going to be absent you may choose to work alone if the teacher gives you that option. 


In-class project marks

You will be marked based on the number of days that you are present and participating in class.  If, for example, you earn a shop mark of 70% and you were there 90% of the time your mark would be 63%. 


Late assignment policy: 

·         To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date. 

·         For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%).  Weekends count as one day. 

·         If a student is absent on a due date, a written legitimate excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply. 

·         A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with.  Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade. 

·         In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than one week after the given due date of the assignment.  Term marks are final. 


Posted: April 4, 2020

Test!! Test!! 

Upload check!!




Super cool & totally awesome!! 

Posted: October 30, 2018


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File tmo_-_modern_history_113.docx12.67 KB

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Image Galleries

Added: Fri, May 10 2013


Canadian Geography 120 Course Schedule - Due Dates
Canadian Geography 120 Course Outline (Online)
Metals Fabrication 110 (Welding) Course Outline
Map of Africa