Mr. Mundle

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Weather Station Information - Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 Sunrise: 7:00 Sunset: 6:05 Temp: -14 Hum: 100 Barometer: 1023.0 hPa and steady at 8:00 AM; Dew Point: -14 Wind Chill: -14 Prec: 0mm Wind Speed: 0; 10 minute average is 0 Wind Direction: SW Forecast: Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
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Posted: February 28, 2012

        Welcome to class! Today is Tuesday, February 28th, 2012. Thank you for being here today!!!!!  The Career Section is divided into four assignments: #1 - Resume; complete a resume about you. #2 - School Cover Letter; think of what school/career you would like to have after completing High School. #3 - Job Cover Letter; think of what job/career you would like to have as a part-time job during school or during summertime. #4 - Career Guide; decide on a job/career you are really interested in. Answer the seven or eight questions/statements found on the BBT site pertaining to your job/career.   The first three assignments (#1, 2, 3) should be done in Microsoft Word and the fourth can be Word, PowerPoint or Publisher. I would encourage all students to Google search different templates for Resumes, School Cover Letters and Job Cover Letters. Most of the Career Assignments should be completed before March Break; this Friday, March 2rd, 2012.  
Welcome to class! Today is Tuesday, February 28th, 2012. Thank you for being in class today!!!!!! Unit #4 Assignments should be finished by Friday, March 2rd, 2012 before March Break. Units #1, 2, and 3 Assignments should all be completed by now!! I will have our "Wall Assignment Checklist" updated by tomorrow, Wednesday, February 29th, 2012; please check to see that I have found and marked all your assignments/work!! I hope everyone has a Safe, Restful and Well Deserved March Break!!
  Daily Work Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 Welcome to class!!! •       Thank you for being here!!!! •       Today is Tuesday, February 28th, 2012. Today’s work •       Our vocabulary word list this week is on “Clothing”. Quiz on Thursday again this week. Some students maybe away for March Break on Friday. •       I need to see two different Quizlets on clothing. •       “Clothing Project” – You need to research the internet for “Winter Clothing”, “Spring Clothing”, “Summer Clothing”, and “Fall Clothing”; for each season you have $300 (Max. $1000) virtual dollars to spend. You need to buy a complete outfit for $300 and up to as much as $1000 per season.  
Weather Station Information - Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 Sunrise: 7:02 Sunset: 6:03 Temp: -7 Hum: 100 Barometer: 1015.3 hPa and steady at 8:00 AM; Dew Point: -7 Wind Chill: -12 Prec: 0mm Wind Speed: 10; 10 minute average is 11 Wind Direction: NNE Forecast: Increasing cloud with little temperature change.
  Daily Work Monday, February 27th, 2012 Welcome to class!!! •       Thank you for being here!!!! •       Today is Monday, February 27th, 2012. •       I hope you had a great weekend!!!! Today’s work •       Our vocabulary word list this week is on “Clothing”. •       I need to see two different Quizlets on clothing.   Vocabulary Word List •       une ceinture                      belt •       une cravate                        tie •       des chaussures                 shoes •       un tee-shirt                        t-shirt •       un pull                                  sweater •       un pantalon                       pants •       une robe de chambre    house coat •       une chemise                      shirt •       un imperméable              raincoat •       un chapeau                        hat •       des gants                             gloves •       une écharpe                      scarf •       des pantoufles                 slippers •       un chemisier                     blouse •       un manteau                       coat •       des chaussettes               socks •       une jupe                              skirt •       des bottes                          boots •       un maillot de bain           bathing suit •       des sandales                      sandals      
une ceinture                                    belt une cravate                                      tie des chaussures                              shoes un tee-shirt                                       t-shirt un pull                                               sweater un pantalon                                     pants une robe de chambre                    house coat une chemise                                    shirt un imperméable                              raincoat un chapeau                                      hat des gants                                         gloves une écharpe                                     scarf des pantoufles                                slippers un chemisier                                    blouse un manteau                                      coat des chaussettes                             socks une jupe                                            skirt des bottes                                        boots un maillot de bain                           bathing suit des sandales                                   sandals
File list_-_clothing.docx13.12 KB
Weather Station Information - Monday, February 27th, 2012 Sunrise: 7:04 Sunset: 6:02 Temp: -15 Hum: 100 Barometer: 1025.7 hPa and rising at 7:30 AM; Dew Point: -15 Wind Chill: -21 Prec: 0mm Wind Speed: 10; 10 minute average is 10 Wind Direction: W Forecast: Mostly clear for the next 12 to 24 hrs and cooler.


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Added: Fri, May 10 2013