Monday's Work - Core French 10 class - February 27th, 2012

Posted: February 27, 2012

  Daily Work Monday, February 27th, 2012 Welcome to class!!! •       Thank you for being here!!!! •       Today is Monday, February 27th, 2012. •       I hope you had a great weekend!!!! Today’s work •       Our vocabulary word list this week is on “Clothing”. •       I need to see two different Quizlets on clothing.   Vocabulary Word List •       une ceinture                      belt •       une cravate                        tie •       des chaussures                 shoes •       un tee-shirt                        t-shirt •       un pull                                  sweater •       un pantalon                       pants •       une robe de chambre    house coat •       une chemise                      shirt •       un imperméable              raincoat •       un chapeau                        hat •       des gants                             gloves •       une écharpe                      scarf •       des pantoufles                 slippers •       un chemisier                     blouse •       un manteau                       coat •       des chaussettes               socks •       une jupe                              skirt •       des bottes                          boots •       un maillot de bain           bathing suit •       des sandales                      sandals