Mr. Mundle

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 16, 2012

Pairing up and practicing oral French; basic conversion. Hi. How are you? I’m fine. Etc… I’ll be around the room to listen to you and your classmate speak!! Quizlet on numbers #1 – 100 = all 100 (I need to see your score) After all this is complete, write 5 more sentences!  Tomorrow’s quiz will be the vocabulary of numbers from 1 to 100.    
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Posted: February 15, 2012

Everyone should have completed by today or tomorrow at the latest - our first PowerPoint Presenation, "Are You Ready for a Puppy?" Our next assignment will be a "How to do something" Presentation. It can be on any subject that is appropriate for school. The assignment should be completed by next Thursday, February 23rd, 2012.  
Unit/Chapter #1 assignments should be completed. Unit/Chapter #2 assignments should be finished by today or tomorrow as the latest. Unit/Chapter #3 assignments should be completed by next Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 Unit/Chapter #4 assignments should be completed before March Break - Friday, March 2nd, 2012  

Posted: February 14, 2012

  Completing 10 sentences on paper for me to mark!!! Quizlet on numbers #1 – 100  
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Posted: February 14, 2012

  Complete Quizlets # – Numbers 1 – 100 Five simple sentences into your notes!! One simple sentence into this PowerPoint. Finish your worksheets by the end of class!!  
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Posted: February 14, 2012

Complete Quizlets # – Numbers 1 – 100 and #20 – “ER” verbs. Next vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 17th – all the numbers from 1 - 100.  
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Tomorrow's first vocabulary quiz will be on the days of the week and months of the year.  
When you combined these sections with the Conjugate "er" verbs; you will have a complete simple sentence.
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Added: Fri, May 10 2013