Mr. Mundle

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Information from our Weather Station Sunrise: 7:20 Sunset: 4:48 Temp: 10 Humidity: 100 Barometer: 1007.0 Dew Point: 10 Wind Chill: 10 Precipitation: 0mm Wind speed: 10 minutes average is 6km Wind direction: S (south) Forecast: Mostly cloudy and cooler; precipitation possible; possible wind shift to W, NW or N  
Sunrise: 7:24 Sunset: 4:45 Wind speed: 10 minutes average is 8 km Direction of wind: WSW Temp: 9 Hum: 100% Baro: 999.1 Chill: 8 Dew Point: 9 Prec: 4.2mm    
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Added: Fri, May 10 2013