Mr. Mundle

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 28, 2011

              Friends of the Bengals Proudly presents:   BBQ at Lunchtime on Mondays If we have NO SCHOOL on Monday; we will BBQ on Tuesday Barbequed Hamburgers for $2.50; Cheeseburgers for $3.00 Made from local fresh ground beef!!! Never frozen!!! Veggie Burgers for $3.00 Turkey Burgers for $3.00 Veggie and Turkey burgers need to be order before 11AM; let Cheryl Warman, James Mundle or Dale Mundle know. All proceeds goes towards one of the school’s teams, clubs and activities!!!! Over 8,000+ burgers made, sold and enjoyed over the past four (4) years!!!!! First come – first served bases; we sell out in about 15 – 20 of lunchtime starting.  
Microsoft Office document icon lab_info.doc280 KB

Posted: October 25, 2011

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Posted: October 7, 2011

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Added: Fri, May 10 2013