
Posted: February 26, 2013

 On Thursday, Feb 28th, students will receive a mini report in each of their five classes. This serves as a good indication of progress to date.  Watch for the reports!

Posted: February 25, 2013

Please remember to wear your Pink Shirt on Wed. Feb. 27th.It's a colour not everyone wants to wear, but those who are brave enough to put on a pink t-shirt are sending a powerful message to bullies. According to the campaign, every seven minutes someone is bullied on a playground in Canada and its effects can be devastating. It demoralizes, wrecks self-esteem and in some cases has led to shooting and suicides. For more info about the pink shirt campaign visit

Posted: February 21, 2013

Canadian Blood Services will be holding a blood donor clinic at the school on Monday, Feb. 25th from 4:30-8:30pm in the gymnasium. Walk ins are welcome but you can book an appointment. Paigle Boisvert is our student ambassador who would ask anyone donating on Monday to make sure they tell the person taking your information that you'd like to be part of the Bonar Law Memorial Team. The school collects points for each donor that joins. Everyone welcome...

Posted: February 19, 2013

The meeting tonight will be a joint meeting of the three area schools, held at Rexton Elementary.  Start time is 7:00pm.

Posted: February 14, 2013

Congratulations to the following students!!!!Names for January: Tyson DedamJustine CormierCameron CailJessica FullertonTaylor CampbellEvelyn BernardRachel LawsonTrent WarmanBrandy MillieaRicky Lee Peter-PaulHunter SimonBrad AugustineBrodie Theriault

Posted: February 7, 2013

On the afternoon of Friday, February 1st, 2013; the First Nations team organized the first ever BLMS mini-pow-wow. Without question, it was an informative and interesting experience.  All were delighted with the level of involvement from staff and students alike.   It was a real "experience" of Miqmaq culture and we all learned a lot.  Special thanks to Rosa, Sharon and Katie and all their connections ... for putting this event together----- food, music, dancing, presence of the elders, etc.  It was a huge undertaking, but one that certainly

Posted: January 21, 2013

Classes for semester two begin on Wednesday, January 30, 2013.  There are no classes for students on Monday and Tuesday (January 28/29th)

Posted: January 21, 2013

Reminder to the Graduates of June 2013 that your Grad Fee ($125) is due to Ms. McEachern or Ms. Davis by March 30, 2013.  The fee can be paid in installments - be sure to get a receipt for all monies paid.

Posted: January 14, 2013

All Grade 9 students will be writing the ELPA provincial assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday (January 15th and 16th), here at the school.  Grade eleven and twelve students who have not been successful to date will also being rewriting their Reading and/or Writing components. It is extremely important that students involved are present and ready to participate.  This provincial initiate is an important piece of achievement data, that all students must deal with before graduation.   

Posted: January 14, 2013

 Included below is the Exam Schedule document.The schedule lists the exam to be written including the location.Morning exams will start at 9:00 AM sharp.Students will be dismissed at 11:00 AM, if their exams are finished.Several exams will require three (3) hours to write; your teacher will tell you. Afternoon exams will start at 1:00 PM sharp.Students will be dismissed at 3:00 PM, if their exams are finished.Several exams will require three (3) hours to write; your teacher will tell you. If there is a School cancelation; the exams will be bumped ahead one day.Example:


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