
Posted: October 29, 2012

Any student in grade 12 who is planning on attending NBCC next fall, the early application process deadline is Thurs. Nov. 1/12. NBCC applications can be filled out and paid for online by accessing the NBCC website. NBCC takes applications after Nov. 1st but some courses fill up quicker and less seats will be available.See Guidance for more info....

Posted: October 26, 2012

Fright Night Dance will be held next Tuesday, Oct 30th from 7 - 10 PM. Costume contest, haunted hallway, lots of games and prizes!!! Get dressed up in a costume and Come Out if you Dare!!!!  

Posted: October 23, 2012

The parent/grad information session scheduled for tonight has been postponed until Tuesday, Nov. 6 @7:00pm. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Posted: October 17, 2012

Anglophone North School District wants you to design a new logo. School Districts 15 and 16 have joined together and we need a new logo that represents our rich and diverse school district. If selected, your logo will be used on signs, letterheads and other items that promote public recognition.    What should your logo represent?  Education in Northern New Brunswick!  Remember: ·        Logo must be as simple as possible. Too many details are difficult to reproduce. 

Posted: October 17, 2012

You could hear a pin drop in the Gym on Tuesday morning as all students and staff were intent on the story and message being presented by Mark Black.  Black's medical journey forced him to make some life-changing decisions about this attitude and purpose in life and he challenged all of us to do the same.  The young man from Moncton provided each of us with a motivational pep talk about our own personal life and how we choose to live it.  The reaction from students and staff was very positive and we are grateful for the sponsorship of Enterprise Kent and Julian Robichaud in arranging this even

Posted: October 15, 2012

Drop by the school to pick up your copy!!

Posted: October 12, 2012

What a great idea for holiday gift giving .... order your BLMS yearbook and cross a name off your list at the same time!

Posted: October 11, 2012

On Tuesday, October 16th, each student will receive a 'mini report' from their individual classroom teachers. It is our hope that this will give students and parents a snap shot of  how each student is doing, well in advance of our first formal report cards coming out in late November.  Please look for the papers on Tuesday evening from your son or daughter.   

Posted: October 11, 2012

We are happy to advise you that $790 was rasied in the annual Terry Fox Run, that was held on Friday, October 5th. Thank you to those students who chose to participate and to those people who supported their efforts.   

Posted: October 4, 2012

Students and parents are encouraged to keep checking the Guidance web-page for important dates and up-coming events.  The page is updated regularly and is your source for all post-secondary information. The link can be found under Teacher Pages ... (in the black banner across the top of the homepage),  shown as Guidance. 


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