
Posted: September 5, 2013

You are cordially invited to join us on Wednesday, September 11th from 4:30-6:30pm to celebrate the beginning of a new school year. There will be a corn boil in the cafeteria, meet the teachers, information on extra-curricular activities, yearbooks can be ordered, grad information, post-secondary information is available in the guidance area and student fees can be paid. This is an informal evening but a great chance for parents to have a visit, ask questions and meet your child's teachers. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend....

Posted: August 30, 2013

WIth the start of a new school year why not show support and join Friends of the Bengals. This is a group of concerned parents who only meet once in awhile to plan an event or support a classroom endeavour. There is no cost and no obligation to fundraise. The mandate of FOTB is to support all of our students through sporting events, clubs, teams, in the classroom or by bringing the community into the school. Keep informed about school activities and be part of your child's high school experience.

Posted: August 26, 2013

So happy to be back!  Grade 9's and Boomerang Crew classes begin Tuesday, September 3rd at 8:20.  BBQ lunch will be provided.  Grade 10-12's classes begin on Wednesday, September 4th - same time, same place.  School supply list below for grade 9-10.

Posted: August 17, 2013

All students who were chosen (and returned their form)  to be Crew Leaders need to be at the school by 9 am on August 29th.  We should be finished by 3 pm.  Lets make this Orientation Day the best yet. See you there.

Posted: June 21, 2013

Mr. Paul Mourant has been named the BLMS Principal for the 2013-2014 school year.  Congratulations to Mr. Mourant.

Posted: June 12, 2013

June report cards will be available at the Main Office on Friday, June 21st and again on Monday and Tuesday, June 24th and 25th.

Posted: June 7, 2013

Students and parents are reminded that exams begin on Monday. The exam schedule is posted under lastest documents on the front page of this website, each classroom and in the main lobby. Please come prepared, on time and return any books owing to the library to Ms. Leblanc before you leave for the summer.


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