
Posted: September 30, 2013

On Monday, September 30th, 2013 several students left the school property to take part in the "say no to shale gas protest" located near the school. This is creating a disruption within the learning environment of our school. Therefore, for the safety of the students and our school, the school doors will be locked immediately after the first bell and again after lunch. Any students missing classes will be marked absent and will need a note from their parents acknowledging that their child had permission to leave the school.

Posted: September 30, 2013

The Community Events page has been updated. Any non-profit or service group wishing to have their event posted can contact Cheryl Warman at or by phoning 523-7160.

Posted: September 27, 2013

BLMS will be launching their attendance incentive beginning October 1st. Please see the full document on our website outlining the course of action. Our teachers will be discussing this in their classes and we trust parents and guardians will support this endeavor. 

Posted: September 27, 2013

At the beginning of the year your child received a letter from the Office of the Superintendent to take home regarding the above policy. If you did not receive it please see our documents below link. It would be helpful if you would discuss this policy with your child(ren) and if you have any concerns or questions please contact Mr. Mourant, prinicpal of BLMS or Darren Oakes, Positive Learning Environment Coordinator @ 506-684-7480. 

Posted: September 20, 2013

There will be a Parent School Support Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 25th @ 7:00pm in the library. This will be a "getting organized" meeting to elect a chair and discuss the role of the committee. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Posted: September 19, 2013

Any student of BLMS wishing to take the First Aid course please see Mrs. Warman in the guidance area for more information and to sign up. It will be offered on Sat. October 19th here at the school.  

Posted: September 17, 2013

A reminder to students and players of soccer and baseball that your sport fee is due. Soccer is $60 and ball is $50. Checks can be made payable to BLMS Student Council. 

Posted: September 16, 2013

Anyone interested in sitting on the BLMS PSSC is advised to call the main office and leave your name by Friday, September 20th @ 523-7160. A Parent School Support Committee (PSSC) ensures that the parent voice is heard in setting education priorities and planning for improvements in your school. The PSSC assists the principal in an advisory role. The committee addresses broad issues related to the education of all children in the school, with the goal of enhancing student learning. Primarily these issues arise from input, discussions, and study of the school improvement plan.

Posted: September 10, 2013

We wish to apologize to those parents and guardians who have received voice messages on their cell phones in error. This is a technical issue that is out of our hands but is being worked on. We do hope you will plan on attending the Corn Boil and Open House tomorrow, Wednesday evening from 4:30-6:30pm. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that was caused and trust you will be patient while we get this sorted out.

Posted: September 9, 2013

The Agricultural Alliance of NB (AANB) is proudly hosting an event called “Open Farm Day 2013” in New Brunswick.  The event is a unique opportunity for the public to learn how high-quality food is produced in our province. The public of all ages experience an enjoyable educational visit. Last year, more than 13,000 people toured the participating farms. Again this year, participating farms are from all primary production sectors and located throughout the province. The increased participation by producers and the public are clear indication that the event is growing in popularity.


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