
Posted: October 17, 2013

The safety and security of students is our top priority. The events of this morning in Rexton occurred quickly and we responded with the safety procedures we have in place.We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.I encourage you to check the website and local radio station for updates for possible school closures.Beth StymiestSuperintendentAnglophone School District North

Posted: October 17, 2013

Anglophone North School District has advised the school that parents are able to pick up their children. 

Posted: October 17, 2013

Due to the ongoing situation all schools in the Rexton Anglophone District are on lockdown until further notice. There is no going in or coming out of the building as of 11:00am. We will keep everyone updated as the situation changes. All afterschool activities and away games are cancelled for today and tomorrow.

Posted: October 17, 2013

Safety and security is paramount for our students and staff.  Given the situation in the Rexton community, we are following our regular procedures and all three schools –  Rexton Elementary School, Eleanor W. Graham Middle School and Bonar Law Memorial High School – are currently in lock down. Updates will be posted on the website as they become available.

Posted: October 16, 2013

Career Week is coming up...not sure what you'd like to be or what types of employment may fit your personality and interests. Start with Career Cruising by going to and logging in with the username: bonarlaw /password: Bengal 

Posted: October 9, 2013

This year, as part of the SEVEC (Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada) program, Bonar Law Memorial School has been paired with a school in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.  The students from Saskatchewan will be visiting us for a week, and we will fly to Swift Current for a week!   This is a program subsidized by the federal government so the cost of travel is covered by them.  When we are travelling, we will be doing a home-stay with our Saskatchewan twin, and they will stay with us when they are here, which means costs of food

Posted: October 7, 2013

Due to scheduled PD days there will be no school for students on Thursday and Friday, October 10th and 11th. 

Posted: October 4, 2013

Our school is committed to keeping teens safe on the road and that's why we're participating in Celebrate My Drive! By participating you can also help our school win a $100,000 grant and possibly a concert by a chart topping music artist right here in our own town...It's simple, log onto and indicate you want to support Bonar Law Memorial School and commit to drive safely. Make a safe driving commitment once a day, every day, between October 18 and 26.  Tell your family and friends who are age 14 and older to get involved too.

Posted: October 4, 2013

Bonar Law School has been advised as a result of a court order to inform students and parents that students are to remain on school property for their safety.Should they choose to go near the protest site they may be detained, and or charged with obstruction.

Posted: October 1, 2013

Rexton Elementary School is seeking community volunteers to assist with literacy for Grade 2 students. We are preparing to implement a program called “ELF”.


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