
Posted: April 4, 2014

Sat. April 12th from 8-noon, everyone is welcome, good will donation at the door for the breakfast with proceeds to support our graduates! Yard Sale space is free for anyone in the community wishing to set up a table. Come out and have your breakfast, support the graduates, browse the yard sale and there will also be a bake table with proceeds going to the Rexton Lions Club. Hope to see everyone out! Parents of grads can contact the school for more information at 523-7160.

Posted: April 2, 2014

All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend our Parent Teacher on Thursday April 3rd from 4pm-7pm or on Friday April 4th from 9 am-12 noon. Report cards can be picked up at that time. There will be no classes for high school students on Friday. All staff will be involved in professional development activities on Friday afternoon.Thank you in advance to all the parents and guardians who come out to meet and discuss their child’s education with their teachers.  

Posted: March 24, 2014

A salesperson will be at the school during the noon hour on Thursday, April 3rd. Parents are welcome to come in, no appointment necessary.

Posted: March 17, 2014

Everyone is welcome to come out on Friday, March 21st starting at 6pm for the annual alumni game. $2 admission for adults, $1 for students. Bring your noise makers and cheer on our boys basketball team! Canteen will be available.

Posted: March 14, 2014

Highlights from the Grad Meeting!Grad Fees are due $125 by March 31st to Mr. Mourant, Ms. Davis or Mrs. RodgersWatch the school website for scholarship opportunities and/or see Mrs. Pitre in guidanceIf you have been accepted to a post secondary institution please bring in your acceptance letter to Mrs. Pitre or Mrs. RodgersGrad bios for graduation day need to be completed and returned to Yordi..asap, if you did not get one see her for yours!Grad song suggestions are to be submitted to Mike DowieGuest speaker suggestions are to be submitted to Ms.

Posted: March 11, 2014

The following students were recognized for either their academics, citizenship or overall improvement for the month of February; Evelyn Bernard, Jonah Goodwin, Mickey McDermott, Nathan Cassell, Sylvi Comeau, McKenzie Warman, Tyler Franicis-Simon, Fabien Francis, Basil Augustine, Sara Perley-Francis, and Crystal Hebert. Congratulations to each of you and keep up the good work.

Posted: February 26, 2014

Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn?  If so then the 2014 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you.  NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award), Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You could win a SMARTBOARD 680 and document camera for your school! Share your technology based classroom work  and school

Posted: February 25, 2014

Reminder to students and staff that tomorrow is PINK SHIRT DAY! Wear pink to show that you support and encourage schools and communities in their efforst to stamp out this type of behaviour!

Posted: February 20, 2014

Hope our students are enjoying the nice sunny weather in Victoria, BC with their SEVEC exchange buddies! Have fun...bring back the sun!

Posted: February 19, 2014

BLMS is proud to host the upcoming clinic on Monday, Feb. 24th from 4:30-8:30pm in the gymnasium. To book an appt. call 1-888-236-6283. CBS has set a goal of 150 donations...let's help them achieve that!


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