Posted: March 14, 2014
Highlights from the Grad Meeting!Grad Fees are due $125 by March 31st to Mr. Mourant, Ms. Davis or Mrs. RodgersWatch the school website for scholarship opportunities and/or see Mrs. Pitre in guidanceIf you have been accepted to a post secondary institution please bring in your acceptance letter to Mrs. Pitre or Mrs. RodgersGrad bios for graduation day need to be completed and returned to Yordi..asap, if you did not get one see her for yours!Grad song suggestions are to be submitted to Mike DowieGuest speaker suggestions are to be submitted to Ms. ConroyAnyone wanting a grad t-shirt please see Mrs. Warman and the cost is $20Annual Breakfast and Yard Sale is in support of the Class of 2014 on Saturday, April 12th watch the website and Facebook for more infoAny questions or concerns can be addressed to Mr. Mourant or Ms. Conroy! 98 Days til Graduation!