Exam Schedule for First Semester - Monday, January 21st to Thursday 24th, 2013

Posted: January 14, 2013

 Included below is the Exam Schedule document.The schedule lists the exam to be written including the location.Morning exams will start at 9:00 AM sharp.Students will be dismissed at 11:00 AM, if their exams are finished.Several exams will require three (3) hours to write; your teacher will tell you. Afternoon exams will start at 1:00 PM sharp.Students will be dismissed at 3:00 PM, if their exams are finished.Several exams will require three (3) hours to write; your teacher will tell you. If there is a School cancelation; the exams will be bumped ahead one day.Example: If Tuesday, January 22nd is cancelled.All of Tuesday’s exams will be written on Wednesday, January 23rd.      Monday, January 21, 2012 Tuesday, January 22, 2012 Wednesday, January 23, 2012 Thursday, January 24, 2012 A.M. English 10 (201-202-203) English 113 (206-207) English 112 (243-Ms. Lennox) English 112 (217-218-Mrs. Glendenning) English 111 (204) English 123 (205) English 122 (244) Chemistry 122 (216) Foundations of math 110(202-203) Financial and work math 110(248) Geo & Measure 10 (217) Grade  9 Math  (205- 206-207) Grade 9 Math (216- Ms. Hickey) Grade 9 FI math (204)  Biology 122 (244)   Social Studies 9 (201) Science 10 (202-203) Biology 112 (206-207) Canadian Geography 120 (214) Trig & 3-Space (244) Adv. Math 120 (244) Nutrition & Healthy Liv.120 (215) Math (NRF) 10 (206-207) Math (NRF) 10FI (218) Science 9(202-203) P.M. Hospitality and Tourism 110 (201) Intro to Accounting 120 (238) FI Modern History 112 (216) Modern History 112 (243) Info Tech 120 (238) FI Social Studies 10 (216) Physical geography 110(214) Biology 113 (214) Bus & Org 120 (238) Chemistry 112 (205)