Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: November 9, 2011

Merge two creatures or change one creature seamlessly.  Either turn someone in to a superhero/avatar, or merge two animals, or come up with something even cooler... Link to a great tutorial for the avatar ...

Posted: November 8, 2011

Suivez ce lien au site avec une chasse aux trésors.  Répondez aux questions en phrases complètes.    Pour suivre les liens sur la page clique sur la loupe (magnifying glass).

Posted: November 2, 2011

Projet de recherche à ton choix - sujet et méthode de présentation.  Ce qui doit être inclut:1.      Le plan - ta question, des sources d’informations crédible, une hypothèse     2.      Une démonstration de recherche de sources crédible: login nbed  mot de passe : bigchalk 3.      Une liste de citation          Auteur. (Date - l'année).  NOM DE LA PAGE. Nom du site, section, page.         Hussein, A.  (2008). LEGACY OF A FEMALE PHARAOH. Calliope, 19(1), 48.   
Microsoft Office document icon rubricdebase.doc35.5 KB

Posted: October 27, 2011

Create a poster to promote a positie message for Remembrance Day.  Consider how to be creative to add impact to your image.  Make sure you use copyright clear pictures!For inspiration and pictures - search photo galleries copyright free sites: - login blms2011 and password bigchalk you don't know if the images are of canadian soldiers - do NOT use them!

Posted: October 4, 2011

Day one - Watch videos and be inspired two - story boardDay three - Start taking picturesDay four, five, six... - Take more picturesNext day - Import pictures to D drive in your own folder on that computer, start looking for sounds you need sound effects.  Save the sounds on that same computer.Background music -; effects - http://soundbible.comCurriculum Outcomes: The student will be able to...Use shot lists or storyboards to plan a video sequenceshoot a sequenceimport video into a projectperform basic video editing tasksknow appropriate video size, resolution, frame rate and formatsexport file format/settings are appropriate for playbackcreate multi-track projectsimport existing audio into a projectrecord audio in softwareperform basic audio editing tasksunderstand the basic principle of animationadd music/audio to an animation  
Microsoft Office document icon stop_motion_instructions_0.doc27 KB
You can decide the order but this is what needs to be done:Paint your door, sign it (SMALL), and glaze itDo picture touch-up (see instructions below) - your picture is on the M drive or you can take another one with the camera.  Change eye colour, whiten teeth, touch up skin and change background.Colouring assignment # 1 use a colouring page and colour with complimentry colours (opposits on the colour wheel) - make sure you burn and dodge to make show light and shadow.Colouring assingment #2 - use a colouring page and colour with analogous colours (the four colours next to each other on the colour wheel) - - make sure you burn and dodge to make show light and shadow.Colouring assignment # 3 - use a real photograph and colour with complimentry colours (Select and then paint on a new layer so you can adjust the mode; OR another method, you can also select a section and play with the Image - Adjustments)Colouring assignment # 4 - same as #3 but with analogous colours.

Posted: September 20, 2011

Posted: September 20, 2011

Travaux à rendre: Dix meilleurs photos de la fouille Grille de la fouille Objets rattacher Une à deux page de réflection individue l- Qu'est-ce que tu as appris?  Quel est l'importance de bien documenter une fouille?  Quelles suppositions informées peux-tu faire au sujet de la culture qui a laissé ses objets?  Donnes-le preuve!  Est-ce que c'est possible qu'il y a un autre interprétation de ce site?  Quelle autre recherche pourrait se faire?

Posted: September 15, 2011

Merge two objects seamlessly (use the refine edge tool as well as the dodge and burn tools and the blurring tool). Great copyright free sites: - login blms2011 and password bigchalk  

Posted: September 14, 2011

Below are the directions for the Touch-up assignment. My eye tutorial:
Microsoft Office document icon touch-up_directions_1.doc97.5 KB


Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020