Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: March 28, 2014

Name a stop motion video that you like.  What is it about that video that is impressive?  How does the audio impact this particular video?  How did the artist create this video?  What kind of effects are possible in stop motion that are not possible in regular video?Weekly writing assignment – minimum 100 words, clearly focused on question given StrugglingNoviceAcceptableAdvancedCommunicationA challenge to read, not well developed, spelling mistakes are distractingA few spelling or grammatical mistakes,Good intro and conclusion, no more than two spelling mistakesEverything is written correctly and interestingly. 0-2.533.5  44.5  5IdeasIdeas are limited and not well supportedSome support for a main idea but not well developedMain ideas have examples and are clearly expressedA convincing explanation with examples and detail 0-5.56  6.57  7.5  89  9.5  10 
Prépare une démonstration pour la classe qui démontre que tu comprends la différence entre chimique et physique.Critères:tu apportes le matériel (ou tu me demandes pour des produits chimiques)ça doit être SÉCURITAIREça ne peut pas prendre trop de tempsdate limite mercredi (ou jeudi s'il y a une tempête)Quiz - vendredi - trouver les protons, neutrons, électrons, numéro atomique, masse atomqiue et dessiner un diagramme Bohr-Rutherford.

Posted: March 21, 2014

Day one - Watch videos and be inspired two - story boardDay three - Start taking picturesDay four, five, six... - Take more picturesNext day - Import pictures to I drive in your own folder on that computer, start looking for sounds you need sound effects.  Save the sounds on that same computer.Background music - effects - http://soundbible.comCurriculum Outcomes: The student will be able to...Use shot lists or storyboards to plan a video sequenceshoot a sequenceimport video into a projectperform basic video editing tasksknow appropriate video size, resolution, frame rate and formatsexport file format/settings are appropriate for playbackcreate multi-track projectsimport existing audio into a projectrecord audio in softwareperform basic audio editing tasksunderstand the basic principle of animationadd music/audio to an animation
Projet de la Révolution industriellePrésentation à la classe d'une ligne de tempsDoit inclure une BONNE activité interactiveDoit inclure des questions de compréhension, application et évaluationMAXIMUM de 100 mots ET être capable d'expliquer d'avantage - vous n'allez pas lire votre présentationListe de citationChoix de sujetévolution des textilesévolution du labour des enfantsl'urbanisationévolution des transportsapplication de l'engine à vapeurévolution des syndicatsévolution de communication (telegraph, téléphone)évolution dans la rôle des femmesComment faire une liste de citation: Auteur (date). Nom de la pate. Sur le site ______.  URL. Page consultée le ____________ (la date que tu as regardé la page)Example:Associated Press (2014). Ukraine crisis: Kerry, Lavrov pessimistic about end to crisis.  Sur le site CBC.  Page consultée le 14 mars, 2014.

Posted: March 12, 2014

Reflection - watch the following video answer these questions:   How does the background music contribute to the atmosphere of this stop motion video?  Identify foley sounds used.  How do these contribute to giving the illusion of animation of these objects?Find a 30-60 video that does not rely on spoken word. Import to Premiere Pro and unlink the video and audio.  Delete the audio.  Replace all the music and foley sounds with your own sounds.  You can choose to re-create the piece as it was created or change it with new video.Curriculum outcomes:1.3 Students design and create digital audio products.  Basic science of sound  Different audio file formats  Elements of a digital audio editing software interface  Organize and manage audio assets  Create multi-track projects  Import existing audio into a project  Record audio in software  Perform basic audio editing tasks  Apply effects  Export final production into a common audio format 

Posted: March 10, 2014

Posted: March 10, 2014

Posted: March 10, 2014

Posted: February 27, 2014

Date limite - le 11 mars (mardi après les vacances)Procédé:Explique le processu que tu as fait pour inventer ta fusée. Quelle est l'inspiration? Comment l'as-tu testé? Combien de fois? Quelles modifications as-tu fait?Conclusion:As-tu résussit ton but? Quelles modifications ferais-tu pour une autre expérience? Comment est-ce que tes résultatspourrons s'appliquer à une plus grande échelle?

Posted: February 24, 2014

How ethical is it to Photoshop an image for a magazine cover?  Should there be limits? What limits? Respond with at least half a page (150 words) by citing specific examples from here or others. See Notebook lesson attached.  
Binary Data photoshop_reflection_1.notebook6 MB


Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020