Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: February 5, 2015

There are four assignments in the Photoshop unit the quality of the level of creativity and experimentation that you bring to it is up to you.  I have provided a shot by shot tutorial in SMART Notebook for the animal assignment.  See attached.I expect you to rely heavily on youtube and other tutorial sites.  After you leave this class you will need to be comfortable looking for information yourself online.  You will find the tutorials easier to follow if you find one create using Photoshop CS3 as that is what we have.Assignments :Weekly reflection : Watch this video:  What is digital art?  What similarities and differences do you see compared to mroe tradtional forms of art like paint or sculpture?How does the example of the boy with the tarp-road exemplify his three rules of merging pictures?  Do you like Erik Johannason's art?  Explain. Click here for his website: a).      Always write using a beginning and end.  Don’t leave us hanging – sum it up and SPELL check.b)    COPY and PASTE this at the bottom of your writing piece and self evaluate with the highlighter pen.Weekly writing assignment – minimum 100 words, clearly focused on question given StrugglingNoviceAcceptableAdvancedCommunicationA challenge to read, not well developed, spelling mistakes are distractingA few spelling or grammatical mistakes,Good intro and conclusion, no more than two spelling mistakesEverything is written correctly and interestingly. 0-2.533.5  44.5  5IdeasIdeas are limited and not well supportedSome support for a main idea but not well developedMain ideas have examples and are clearly expressedA convincing explanation with examples and detail 0-5.56  6.57  7.5  89  9.5  10 Simple merge – to do well you need to pay attention to blending the two images well – work on feathering and colour correcting.Merge two animals. Be inspired by clicking here.  You can also choose to do an animal and a fruit etc….Do a photo touch-up – use skills to change eye colour, whiten the teeth and make the skin flawless.  You are going to do what all magazine layout artists do – take a real person and turn them into a supermodel. Alternatively, you can add bruising, darken and yellow the teeth and add wrinkles. How to change eye colour, Enhancing the eye, and Whiten teethTurn someone into something else.  Example: avatar, lizard woman, Hulk, zombie, vampire…. The key in this assignment is to really show off.  I am looking for skin colour change, liquefying, blurring, blending, reshaping. Cartoon yourself in CS3, Create an Avatar and Creating crazy creepy supernatural  eyes

Posted: February 5, 2015

Copy and paste the following link to take part in the Harvard research on prejudice your student email which is

Posted: January 31, 2015

Quiz le 6 févrierRegarder les étoiles la nuit - date limite le 27 févrierRechercher et répondre aux questions des vidéos - date limite le 23 février (temps en classe le 9  au 12 février)Lancer la fusée avec l'oeuf protéger - jour de lance le  25 févrierTest d'unité le 27 février
File space_research_project_0.docx18.41 KB
File devoirs_espace_0.docx15.11 KB
PDF icon space_2015.pdf44.29 MB

Posted: January 30, 2015

Create a 6 page SMART Notebook presentation that is both visually appealing, creative, interactive, and well-thought out.All pages need to have a consistent layout. Light against dark or dark against light. Minimum 24 point font. Include a one page introduction with a menu, two pages highlighting your intelligences, one page your weakness, and two pages of goals (one for your strengths and one your weaknesses) Include pages linked to home page as well as the home page menu linking forward. Minimum one sound recorded by you and linked.Minimum one interactive element from the lesson activity tool kit. Minimum of one " erase to reveal" .One pull tab
Binary Data intro_smart_notebook.notebook76.95 MB

Posted: January 29, 2015

Click here to access the blog and do your weekly response: week you need to respond to the post and respond to at least two of your peers postings.

Posted: January 29, 2015

All four of my classes need to do the following and write down the results of the survey from highest to lowest.      Then reflect: Do agree that these are my strenghts and weakness? Was anything surprising here? Do you believe that multiple intelligences is a valid theory? Why?

Posted: January 26, 2015

Posted: January 13, 2015

Microsoft Office document icon finalrubric.doc52.5 KB

Posted: January 8, 2015

Trouves-tu que le système canadien d'immigration est juste? Discute comment on choisit les immigrants et refugiés et ensuit les citoyens.  Donne ton opinion (10 points) - date limite le 12 janvierRecherche des lois pour la Chambre de Communes - date limite le 12 janvier


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Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020