Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: September 2, 2015

This is where I will be posting your assignments, tests and resources.  For all of my classes you will need a binder, pen and USB.  Also headphones are helpful.  See you soon!

Posted: June 11, 2015

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Posted: June 11, 2015

The video conversion process has failed. You might want to submit a simpler video format like mpeg or divx avi.
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.

Posted: June 11, 2015

The video conversion process has failed. You might want to submit a simpler video format like mpeg or divx avi.
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.

Posted: May 31, 2015

Your final exam, worth 30% of your mark, is an open book (as in you can consult books, the internet, disucss with others...) written final reflection.  Do not just ramble off the top of  your head in a stream of consiousness - take time to plan and organize your thoughts beore you start writing with an introduction, several paragraphs and a conclusion.  Total length 600-1000 word, but don't get hung up on counting words - you want to put in good detail and reflection not try to impress with lots of word or just enough. Discuss what you consider to be the biggest issue(s) in the world today.  What are some possible solutions for our government or international organisation?  What is your role in changing world issues?  How can you effect change?

Posted: May 27, 2015

Tu as besoin des six étapes (titre, but, hypothèse, matériel, marche à suivre, observation et conclusion)    Quel sont les différentes stratégies des reproductions de ces organismes?·         Comment est-ce que les organismes changent à travers leur developpement6·         Comment est-ce que ces stratégies de reproduction sont bien adaptées à leurs environnent? (ex. grenouille et environnent aquatique, les stolons de la plante araignée)·         Explique les étapes de développement des chenilles?·         Y –a-t-il des problèmes peut-être avec nos résultats – des choses qu’on aurait mieux fait?·         Quelles suggestions est-ce que tu peux faire pour des expériences?

Posted: May 19, 2015

The final project is the equivalant of a final exam - you are expected to who what you have learned throughout the last four months.  Therefore you must include:videos or photographs (for stop motion)quality audio including background music and foley soundsgreen screena photoshopped imagestoryboarddaily time management sheet
Microsoft Office document icon finalrubric_0.doc52.5 KB

Posted: May 14, 2015

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Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020