Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: January 4, 2016

Day 1 - watch someone else's video and do a storyboards (working backwards from the video). (link is external) All answers must be in complete sentences. Choose a video from my video gallery - the ones that are final projects and not the stop motion or teaching videos.  How many different shots are there? (1 point) Are there any point-of-view shots?  Who’s point of view? Are they effective(2 points) Is the talent (acting) effective? Comment.  (2 points) Do they use transitions?  Which ones?  Are they noticeable? (3 points) Do they use credits?  Are they effective? (2 points) How did they use the green screen? Is it noticeable?  Does it fit with the story? (2 points) How did they use the green screen? Is it noticeable?  Does it fit with the story? (2 points) Is there background music?  What feel does the music have?  Does it really set the mood?  (2 points) Did they add foley sounds?  Does it add something to the video?  (2 points) Make three suggestions about how this video could have been filmed or edited better.  (3 points)

Day 2 - Storyboard.  The final project is the equivalant of a final exam - you are expected to who what you have learned throughout the last four months.  Therefore you must include: videos or photographs (for stop motion) quality audio including background music and foley sounds green screen a photoshopped image storyboard daily time management sheet  

Day 3-13 - Shoot, upload, edit, record sounds, edit image in Photoshop, add credits (including Bengals' Productions MMXVI), export as a movie

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Posted: January 4, 2016


Two day research project on environmental issues. In partners of your choice. Must be presented to the class on Thursday. Strongly encouraged to use lots of pictures and a short video clip (under three minutes). Seek to show a Canadian example if applicable and one-three examples from other countries.

Topics: desertification, ocean acidification, blood diamonds, conflict minerals, strip mining, tar sands/fracking/deep sea oil extraction, other

Answer the following:

  1. What is the problem? Give many examples with pictures/video.
  2. What is the economic importance of this resource?
  3. What are the long term impacts on the area for both the environment and on the people?
  4. What solutions are being offered to have less impact?
  5. What do you consider to be the realistic solution? *You must consider the need to economic development as well

Posted: December 9, 2015

Some clarity about what it is you need to get done before the end of next week.  

 Second semester marks:

  • Stop motion - exported in avi and submittedGreen screen assignment - exported in avi and submittedReflection 5 - On your stop motion reflectionReflection
  • Two green screen assignments
  • Reflection # 5 and #6 - mark a former student's from the bottom of this page with 150 words of comments.  Mark your own stop motion project with 150 words of comments.
  • Web design unit (you have one week!) (A) Create a webpage = Weebly or Wordpress - create a fanpage/business website inluding pictures, links and text - a minimum of three pages(B) Code academy - 2% for each page completed - yes you can get bonus marks - MUST BE an INDEPENDANT searcher/worker
  • Thursday - Hour of Code -
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Posted: November 30, 2015

This weekDo the last reflection if you have not done it already : Watch the classroom videos to the right on this page and do a reflection: DT use the rubric below to mark a previous student's stop motion which can be found on the right.  Be sure to put at least 150 words worth of comments and suggestions.Finsh your stop motion video with sounds and credits at the end including the words "Bengals' Productions MMXV"Start your greenscreen assignmentHeads up - next week we will be working on websites for a week.  The following week we will start working on your final projects.  Think about who you want to work with (are they dependable????) and start thinking about an idea
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Posted: November 27, 2015

Date limite le 3 décembre.  Doit inclure le texte, les images, des visuels pour démontrer et une liste de citation.
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Posted: November 24, 2015

Do your reflection on "Planning a fundraiser" and respond to someone else's post - research A's - Why are Syrians fleeing their country? B's - What are the conditions for Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries? C's What is Canada and specifically New Brunswick doing for Syrian refugees? D's - What kind of racist backlash is coming against refugees right now?Craft, carnival and card - Get cards printed, get flyer made for carnival, craft lots, plan food, plan activities, finish educational video, finish website.

Posted: November 4, 2015

Day one - Watch videos and be inspired Watch the classroom videos to the right on this page and do a reflection: DT use the rubric below to mark a previous student's stop motion which can be found on the right.  Be sure to put at least 150 words worth of comments and suggestions.Day two - story boardDay three - Start taking picturesDay four, five, six... - Take more picturesNext day - Import pictures to E drive in your own folder on that computer, start looking for sounds you need sound effects.  Save the sounds on that same computer and record your own sounds, Background music Sound effects - http://soundbible.Curriculum Outcomes: The student will be able to...Use shot lists or storyboards to plan a video sequenceshoot a sequenceimport video into a projectperform basic video editing tasksknow appropriate video size, resolution, frame rate and formatsexport file format/settings are appropriate for playbackcreate multi-track projectsimport existing audio into a projectrecord audio in softwareperform basic audio editing tasksunderstand the basic principle of animationadd music/audio to an animation
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Regarde les étoiles la nuit et remplis la feuille donnée le 6 novembre Recherche une planète et construis/dessine un habitat pour vivre sur cette plantète le 4 novembre Une présentation des régions géophysiques du Canada p 27 du texte.  le 4 novembre. Critères: Ressources et industries, description physique, provinces, territoires, grandes villes et attractions musique régionale festival régionale Passetemps régionals Cuisine régionale Notes claires et un longeueur  qui donne l’information nécesssaire sans être trop long - maximum de 200 mots (la classe va copier tes notes le français corrigé, clair et facile à comprendre Une présentation interactive  - ou PowerPoint  Une activité interactive qui engage bien l'audienceLancér une fusée et proteger un oeuf le 9 novembre
Reflection: watch the following video and blog your answer these questions:   How does the background music contribute to the atmosphere of this stop motion video?  Identify foley sounds used.  How do these contribute to giving the illusion of animation of these objects?Find a 30-60 video that does not rely on spoken word.  Import to Premiere Pro and unlink the video and audio.  Delete the audio.  Replace all the music and foley sounds with your own sounds.  You can choose to re-create the piece as it was created or change it with new video. You must have at least three of your own recorded sounds.  You can always add more layers of sound - consider background noises, muffled voices, fans, wind, weather, fabric rustling, birds chirping...  Finish off your project by adjusting the sound levels and and maybe playing with stereo soundCurriculum outcomes:1.3 Students design and create digital audio products.  Basic science of sound  Different audio file formats  Elements of a digital audio editing software interface  Organize and manage audio assets  Create multi-track projects  Import existing audio into a project  Record audio in software  Perform basic audio editing tasks  Apply effects  Export final production into a common audio format 

Posted: October 16, 2015

Read Marlie's project, Kallee's project and Nathan's project Reply to someone else's Vote Compass reflection Do this week's reflection on the hero project Start your book project in a group.  Give a summary of the book; give us a context for understanding the situation in the book; and analyze and explain the author's perspective.  Also there needs to be some kind of activity that consolidates their learning of your topic.  See the rubric attached below.
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Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020