Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: April 14, 2016

Typography portrait assignment.  Use the lesson below to see how.  To help with having text follow a path check out this video link:

Binary Data typography.notebook9.73 MB

You have one class to research how to deal with the problem of plastic over-consumption, disposal, recycling and/or the ocean garbage patch.

You must look at solutions at the:

  1. international,
  2. national (in Canada or elsewhere),
  3. provincial (in NB or another province/state/prefecture),
  4. municipal (in Rexton or another municipality),
  5. organizational,
  6. and personal levels.

Make sure you don't just list what is being done but also reflect upon whether these are good ideas? practical ideas? do the ideas go far enough?  Do you have some brilliant suggestions they could be doing?

Microsoft Office document icon making_changes_test_rubric.doc34.5 KB

Projet de recherche où tu choisis le sujet et la méthode de présentation.  Ça doit inclure

1. Le plan - ta question, des sources d’informations crédible, une hypothèse     

2. Une démonstration de recherche de sources crédible avec au moins deux en français.  Des suggestions de site:

3. Une liste de citation         

Auteur Note - nom de famille, initiale. Si il n'y a pas d'auteur met le nom de l'association. (Date - l'année S'il n'y a aucun date indique la menion "n.d.").  Titre de l'article en italique. Nom du site.  URL.        

Exemple: Delgado, J. P. (2009). Saving History for the Public. Archeology.

4. Une activité pour faire en classe pour que la classe apprenne ta recherche.

Think through the tools to use to restore an old photograph.  You can use this one or bring in your own that we can scan.  Try: clone tool healing brush re-colouring on a new layer cropping.  See two...

Due Date: 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Posted: March 31, 2016

1. Day one - Watch videos and be inspired is external) 

2. Watch the classroom videos and do a storyboard.

3. Use the rubric below to mark a previous student's stop motion which can be found on the right.  Be sure to put at least 150 words worth of comments and suggestions.

3. Day two - story boardDay three - Start taking picturesDay four, five, six... - Take more picturesNext day - Import pictures to E drive in your own folder on that computer, start looking for sounds you need sound effects.  Save the sounds on that same computer and record your own sounds, Background music is external) Sound effects - http://soundbible.Curriculum(link is external) 


The student will be able to...Use shot lists or storyboards to plan a video sequenceshoot a sequenceimport video into a projectperform basic video editing tasksknow appropriate video size, resolution, frame rate and formatsexport file format/settings are appropriate for playbackcreate multi-track projectsimport existing audio into a projectrecord audio in softwareperform basic audio editing tasksunderstand the basic principle of animationadd music/audio to an animation

Microsoft Office document icon stop_motion_rubric.doc41.5 KB

Posted: March 29, 2016

You have one period to create a soundscape and export it as a sound file.   Pick a space and create a sound picture of what it looks like.


  • All the small noises - fans, clicks, hums of machines...
  • The weather - wind, thunder...
  • that you want to tell a bit of a story without using dialogue (you could have muffled crowd sounds) - like a quiet street then a car squeels its tires
  • that you are not looking for drama necessarily but that ability to paint a picture with sound - can we hear your space?
  • that it only needs to be 20-30 seconds long
  • that you will be marked on how well we can picture your space and also whether you adjust the sounds to comfortably go together - turn things down and up
  • that 

Read the article, "Can we Save our Salmon" and answer the following questions with some detail.

1.       Explain some of the challenges facing Atlantic salmon for their survival. (3 points)

2.       How is the CN Railway an example of the challenges facing salmon? (2 points)

3.       Give some historical examples of how Atlantic populations have changed over time. (1 point)

4.       What is the cultural importance of the salmon to the First Nations (make sure you read write to the end before answering this one) (4 points).

5.       How do volunteer organizations help to protect the salmon? (3 points)

6.       Are the salmon worth protecting? How can you contribute to their protection? (4 points)


Watch the video of Paul Greenberg “Four fish we are overeating and what to eat instead” and respond to the following questions:


  1. What does he mean by shrinking markets/menus? Give an example.  (3 points)
  2. How many metric tons of fish come out of the oceans every year? (1 point)
  3. How is aquaculture, while protecting wild stocks from over fishing, destroying their habitat? (2 points)
  4. What do the farmed shrimp eat? (1 point)
  5. How are dams, while good for creating non-polluting electricity, bad for migrating salmon?  (2 points)
  6. What food solutions does he suggest?  (4 points)


Cliquer le lien ci-dessous.

Faire une recherche avec une liste de références.  Date limite le 23 mars.

La recherche peut être présentée de différentes façon (affiche, PowerPoint, modèle, chanson...) mais tu dois partager ce que tu as appris avec la classe. Le projet peut se faire en groupe de deux ou trois si vous avez une idée qui va prendre plus personnes pour bien l’accomplir. 

File mesopotamie_mi_project_2016.docx279.61 KB

Over the next two weeks'ish you will experiment with three very different pieces of software which you will rotate through: ArtRage (on three computers only), Google Sketchup (on all computers in our lab) and 3D printing (on the computer next to the printer).

  • ArtRage - experiment with the software for awhile.  Then create a drawing which you consider to be of high quality.  Play with the different mediums and colours.  Don't forget that that there is a tracing option if you like.  
  • Google Sketchup - is mostly for creating building, furniture and other 3D shapes.  Some options: recreate your own house or dream house, draw a playground or a castle, or your dream shop, or hockey arena...
  • 3D printing - use the instructions taped to the 3D printer computer to print an object that you import from thingyverse.  Use the white filement for your first experiment.  When the setup wizard for Cura pops up select the printer "printerbot" next - simple metal - next - finish - ok.  Then you must click File - Preferences- Printing Type - "Pronter face UI" - Ok.  Import file and click the middle button "print to USB"


Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020