Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues
Weekly reflection : Remember this video:  What is digital art?  What similarities and differences do you see compared to mroe tradtional forms of art like paint or sculpture?How does the example of the boy with the tarp-road exemplify his three rules of merging pictures?  Do you like Erik Johannason's art?  Explain. Click here for his website: a complete transformation of a person that you photographed yourself like Avatar, smurf, zombie, devil, supermodel, beat-up person....  Here is a link to a great Avatar tutorial
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Posted: September 29, 2015

Préparer une réaction chimique et une transformation phyique pour jeudi.Préparer un affiche, une publicité et pour un débat des quatres sujets choisis en classe pour l'électionTest de Chimie mercredi le 7 octobre Répondre aux questions sure Vote Compass - écrire une réflection - est-ce que tu étais surpris du parti chosi par Vote Compass? Y-a-t-il des questions où tu n'es pas confortable avec les réponses des partis? Autres?
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Posted: September 23, 2015

 Choose someone who has changed the world in a positive way and do some research. Learn about their formative years, the problem they are facing, their motivation to make a change, their actions and their impact (Present information that you think is most relevant and worth sharing). Share what you have learned with class somehow: poster, presentation, skit, article... Consider how to make it powerful and interesting to others.Read your novel for October 13th.Go to Look at the results and write a reflection of 200-250 words.  Remember if you are looking for an exceptional mark you will need to go beyond just the quiz but do some external reading as well.  Some questions you could answer as part of your reflection: Were you surprised by the resutls? Look at how the various parties answered the various questions.  Do you agree or disagree with their position on certain issues? Were you surprised by their position? Would you like to discuss any of the questions from the quiz and the poltical implications? October 16th 
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Posted: September 22, 2015

Labo # 2 - mercredi Colorier l'eau sur la carte du monde, le Canada sur la carte d'Amérique du Nord, et les provinces sur la care du Canada Quiz continents et océans - jeudi ou ou Réactions chimiques et physiques - lundi

Posted: September 21, 2015

Use the attachments below to help with your assginments: Create a simple merge of two images by selecting carefull, transforming and re-colouring the images How ethical is it to Photoshop an image for a magazine cover?  Should there be limits? Respond with at least half a page (150 words) by citing specific examples from here or others.  If you want full marks you need to consider both fashion and newspaper/magazines. Create a card - baseball, Pokemon, other.... Create an animal mergeCreate a complete transformation of a person that you photographed yourself like Avatar, smurf, zombie, devil, supermodel, beat-up person....

Posted: September 21, 2015

En paire, préparez deux expériences qui démontre un changement physique et chimique.  Expliquez très clariment comment vous savez que c'est physique ou chimique.

Posted: September 14, 2015

"Re-"quiz sciences - lundi - les notes de chimie Labo #2 - 4 expériences avec les changement chimiques - titre, formule, observations et analyze. Des quatre expériences lesquelles avaient : une changement de couleur anormale?une nouvelle substance est créée?un gaz forme?un précipite forme?une changement de température3.       Arbre généologique pour lundi le 21 septembre (minimum 20 personnes 3 générations; B = minimum 30 personnes, 4 générations, lisibles avec les générations bien organisées; A = minimum 40 personnes, 5 générations et très bien organisé et lisible)

Posted: September 14, 2015

Add the countries, oceans and colour the seven different continents on the map handout. Read about Syria so that  you are prepared to discuss. and Reflect on "privilege" whether it is white privilege or economic privilege.  Do you believe your life is privileged? Do you believe that everyone has the same access to an education and jobs in Canada? Write down any other thoughts you want to share from our discussion and activity about privilege.   

Posted: September 10, 2015

Create a 6 page SMART Notebook presentation that is both visually appealing, creative, interactive, and well-thought out.All pages need to have a consistent layout. Light against dark or dark against light. Minimum 24 point font. Include a one page introduction with a menu, two pages highlighting your intelligences, one page your weakness, and two pages of goals (one for your strengths and one your weaknesses) Include pages linked to home page as well as the home page menu linking forward. Minimum one pull tabMinimum one interactive element from the lesson activity tool kit. Minimum of one fancy reveal
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Posted: September 9, 2015

All four of my classes need to do the following and write down the results of the survey from highest to lowest.      Then reflect: Do agree that these are my strengths and weakness? Was anything surprising here? Do you believe that multiple intelligences is a valid theory? Why?


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Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020