Ms. Halas Moulton Notes

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues


Posted: March 29, 2016

You have one period to create a soundscape and export it as a sound file.   Pick a space and create a sound picture of what it looks like.


  • All the small noises - fans, clicks, hums of machines...
  • The weather - wind, thunder...
  • that you want to tell a bit of a story without using dialogue (you could have muffled crowd sounds) - like a quiet street then a car squeels its tires
  • that you are not looking for drama necessarily but that ability to paint a picture with sound - can we hear your space?
  • that it only needs to be 20-30 seconds long
  • that you will be marked on how well we can picture your space and also whether you adjust the sounds to comfortably go together - turn things down and up
  • that 

Read the article, "Can we Save our Salmon" and answer the following questions with some detail.

1.       Explain some of the challenges facing Atlantic salmon for their survival. (3 points)

2.       How is the CN Railway an example of the challenges facing salmon? (2 points)

3.       Give some historical examples of how Atlantic populations have changed over time. (1 point)

4.       What is the cultural importance of the salmon to the First Nations (make sure you read write to the end before answering this one) (4 points).

5.       How do volunteer organizations help to protect the salmon? (3 points)

6.       Are the salmon worth protecting? How can you contribute to their protection? (4 points)


Watch the video of Paul Greenberg “Four fish we are overeating and what to eat instead” and respond to the following questions:


  1. What does he mean by shrinking markets/menus? Give an example.  (3 points)
  2. How many metric tons of fish come out of the oceans every year? (1 point)
  3. How is aquaculture, while protecting wild stocks from over fishing, destroying their habitat? (2 points)
  4. What do the farmed shrimp eat? (1 point)
  5. How are dams, while good for creating non-polluting electricity, bad for migrating salmon?  (2 points)
  6. What food solutions does he suggest?  (4 points)


Cliquer le lien ci-dessous.

Faire une recherche avec une liste de références.  Date limite le 23 mars.

La recherche peut être présentée de différentes façon (affiche, PowerPoint, modèle, chanson...) mais tu dois partager ce que tu as appris avec la classe. Le projet peut se faire en groupe de deux ou trois si vous avez une idée qui va prendre plus personnes pour bien l’accomplir. 

File mesopotamie_mi_project_2016.docx279.61 KB

Over the next two weeks'ish you will experiment with three very different pieces of software which you will rotate through: ArtRage (on three computers only), Google Sketchup (on all computers in our lab) and 3D printing (on the computer next to the printer).

  • ArtRage - experiment with the software for awhile.  Then create a drawing which you consider to be of high quality.  Play with the different mediums and colours.  Don't forget that that there is a tracing option if you like.  
  • Google Sketchup - is mostly for creating building, furniture and other 3D shapes.  Some options: recreate your own house or dream house, draw a playground or a castle, or your dream shop, or hockey arena...
  • 3D printing - use the instructions taped to the 3D printer computer to print an object that you import from thingyverse.  Use the white filement for your first experiment.  When the setup wizard for Cura pops up select the printer "printerbot" next - simple metal - next - finish - ok.  Then you must click File - Preferences- Printing Type - "Pronter face UI" - Ok.  Import file and click the middle button "print to USB"

Population growth - click below for today's resources.  For the mini-project instructions scroll down this page.

Posted: March 15, 2016

(link is external)

  1.  Reflection - watch the following video and answer these questions:   How does the background music contribute to the atmosphere of this stop motion video?  Identify foley sounds used.  How do these contribute to giving the illusion of animation of these objects?
  2. Find a 30-60 video that does not rely on spoken word.
  3. Import to Premiere Pro and unlink the video and audio.  Delete the audio.  Replace the background music and foley sounds with your own choice of sounds.  You can choose to re-create the soundscape as it was in the original or do something more creative.  You must include two of your own recorded foley sounds.  All explinations of how to do all this can be found in the tutorial attached below.mport to Premiere Pro and unlink the video and audio.  Delete the audio.  Replace all the music and foley sounds with your own sounds.  You can choose to re-create the piece as it was created or change it with new video.k is external)

Curriculum outcomes:

1.3 Students design and create digital audio products.  Basic science of sound  Different audio file formats  Elements of a digital audio editing software interface  Organize and manage audio assets  Create multi-track projects  Import existing audio into a project  Record audio in software  Perform basic audio editing tasks  Apply effects  Export final production into a common audio format 


Binary Data audio_for_video_tutorial.notebook5.72 MB

Posted: February 23, 2016

  1. Reflection: Type up in word and submit on jump drive or with SMART Synch.  Your audience is a teacher.  Take time to organize your thoughts and use Spellcheck.  What is digital art?  What similarities and differences do you see compared to mroe tradtional forms of art like paint or sculpture?How does the example of the boy with the tarp-road exemplify his three rules of merging pictures?  Do you like Erik Johannason's art?  Explain.    Click here for his website: (link is external)  (Reflection option B - research another photoshop artist.  Include some examples of their work.  Compare to Erik Johannson's work.  Which do you prefer? Why?  What makes these artists outstanding?)
  2. Colour in (1) a colour wheel, (2) a colouring page and (3) re-colour a photograph.  One in analagous and one in complimentry colours.  See the the lessons attached below.

Posted: February 22, 2016

1.  Write a reflection: How ethical is it to Photoshop an image for a magazine cover and in the news?  Should there be limits? Respnd with at least half a page (150 words) and use specific examples from either my presentation or search for others. 

2. Take a photo of yourself or a friend and give a glamourous make over = change the eye colour, "airbrush" the skin, whiten their teeth.... (as an alternative assginment you can also make them look older, yellow their teeth, add bruises...)

Binary Data touch_up_lesson.notebook8.88 MB

1. Use the data attached to do your fourth blog:

2. Write-up the first steps of the lab (Title, Question, Hypothese, Background Information, Procedure - materials and steps).  Use the sheet below to help you. 

Posted: February 18, 2016

DT - Create an animal merge. Click here to be inspired or  You can either recreate one of the hybrids you see in those videos or come up with your own original idea.  See the lesson attached for some suggestions on how to make it happen.

GA - Scan a personal picture and use the attached tutorial to make four or five different versions of that picture using filters.

Binary Data animal_merge_4.notebook10.11 MB

Posted: February 17, 2016

Create a card using several layers including borders, boxes, text, imported images etc.

Binary Data card_lesson.notebook6.65 MB

Posted: February 11, 2016

Prepare a presentation about an environmental issue of your choice.  Topics to consider: deforestation/desertification, fracking, open-pit mining, herbicide spraying, algea bloom caused by agricultural run-off, big city air pollution, ocean garbage patch, conflict minerals...

Use lots of pictures, choose a class appropriate 2-5 minute video, do not use a lot of text.

Include the problem, who benefits from the problem, who is opposing its use, how can you contribute to lessening the problem?


When researching your issue, consider the following talking points:


-          What is the issue?  Describe it as though your audience has never heard of it – maybe they haven’t!!

-          Into which of the 3 categories of issues does your topic fall? (Resource depletion, pollution, extinction).

-          From which of the two root causes does your issue originate? (Population crisis, consumption crisis).

-          How do the different types of values affect environment decision-making related to your issue? (aesthetic, educational, recreational, socio-economic, health, ethical, economics)

-          Is this issue mainly a global, regional or local issue?

-          Who is responsible for causing this issue?

-          Who is responsible for dealing with this issue?

-          Who is currently working on putting a stop to this issue?

-          What (if anything) can we, as individuals, do to deal with this particular issue?


Some of you have been talking about this very topic so I thought I would share this link:

Posted: February 3, 2016

Do the following multiple intelligences inventory (link is external) 

Create a 6 page SMART Notebook presentation that is both visually appealing, creative, interactive, and well-thought out.

  • All pages need to have a consistent layout. Graphic Arts - extra emphasis on creating a look for your pages - choose colours, fonts, borders thoughtfully
  • Light against dark or dark against light. Minimum 24 point font. 
  • Include a one page introduction with a menu, two pages highlighting your intelligences, one page your weakness, and two pages of goals (one for your strengths and one your weaknesses) 
  • Include pages linked to home page as well as the home page menu linking forward. 
  • Minimum one sound recorded by you and linked.Minimum one interactive element from the lesson activity tool kit. 
  • Minimum of two "reveals" created using magic brush, pull tabs, fade, etc.

