Posted: February 11, 2016
Prepare a presentation about an environmental issue of your choice. Topics to consider: deforestation/desertification, fracking, open-pit mining, herbicide spraying, algea bloom caused by agricultural run-off, big city air pollution, ocean garbage patch, conflict minerals...
Use lots of pictures, choose a class appropriate 2-5 minute video, do not use a lot of text.
Include the problem, who benefits from the problem, who is opposing its use, how can you contribute to lessening the problem?
When researching your issue, consider the following talking points:
- What is the issue? Describe it as though your audience has never heard of it – maybe they haven’t!!
- Into which of the 3 categories of issues does your topic fall? (Resource depletion, pollution, extinction).
- From which of the two root causes does your issue originate? (Population crisis, consumption crisis).
- How do the different types of values affect environment decision-making related to your issue? (aesthetic, educational, recreational, socio-economic, health, ethical, economics)
- Is this issue mainly a global, regional or local issue?
- Who is responsible for causing this issue?
- Who is responsible for dealing with this issue?
- Who is currently working on putting a stop to this issue?
- What (if anything) can we, as individuals, do to deal with this particular issue?