Course Syllabus 2021-2022
Science 10 Mrs. L. Ketch; Ms. A. Thompson; Ms. O’Toole
Resources: Main Text: Science 10 (Nelson)
Students must also have a scientific calculator, a ruler, metric graph paper, a note book and a periodic table (available at the library).
The aim of the grade 10 science program is to develop scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is a combination of the science-related attitudes, skills, and knowledge students need to develop. These skills will allow students to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them. To develop scientific literacy, students require diverse learning experiences that provide opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate, and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society, and the environment. (ACSC)
Syllabus: Unit 1 – Physical Science – Chemical Processes
Periodic table of elements; characteristics of elements; reactions of elements; chemical equations; acids and bases.
Unit 2 – Physical Science – Motion & Electricity
Measuring and calculating relationships between distance, speed, time and acceleration, gravity studies; Electrical circuits, electricity production
Course Grading: Chemistry Processes concepts and products: 60%
Motion & Electricity concepts and products: 30%
Scientific Literacy: 10%
**Final assessment evaluations will be weighted according to the BLMS Academic Exam Incentive.
Students must obtain a minimum mark of 60% to pass this course. This course is required in order to be able to take grade 11 science courses.
Extra Help: If at any time a student is having difficulty in the course, extra help is available upon a student’s request. A schedule for lunch-time help is posted in the classroom and study-block pull-outs are available most months.
Absences: If you miss one or more classes, it is your responsibility to catch up on all missed notes and work. Medical excuses or written excuses for legitimate absences are required from parents to get extensions or to write a missed test / quiz. If you have missed a test, it must be written on your first day back to school unless another arrangement has been made in advance.
Group marks and Lab marks: Attendance is a crucial part of group and lab marks assigned in this course. If you are absent for one or more days used for group work or labs, your mark may be adjusted to reflect the number of days you were absent.
Late Assignments: It is important to respect assignment deadlines. Late assignments impact learning! If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date. Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.
Notice will be given in class if it this syllabus changes.