Ms. Ketch

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 1, 2022

Welcome back everyone!  Here is my schedule for the second semester.  You can find the syllabus for each class by scrolling down from this post!

Period 1:  FI Science 10

Period 3:  FI NRF 10

Period 4:  Biology 112

All my students will be invited to a class-TEAMS: please be sure to confirm your student login and password in order to be able to access the online content that will be posted regularly for your offsite learning days. TEAMS will be the main online platform through which I disseminate course materials, assignments and deadlines.  If you have any questions, you can reach me by email at

Posted: February 1, 2022


SCIENCES 10: La science pour des sociétés durables                            Mme. L Ketch

Ressources:  Les élèves doivent avoir une calculatrice scientifique, une règle, un cahier de note, du papier quadrillé.


« Le cours est axé sur le contexte social et environnemental des progrès de la science et de la technologie. Une approche contemporaine d’enseignement des sciences physiques est adoptée afin que les élèves se familiarisent avec les théories et principes en évolution qui déterminent la façon dont la science est appliquée pour concevoir des solutions créatives. Les liens entre la matière et l’énergie sont explorés dans un cadre de pensée systémique »   Programme de Science 10e, Province du Nouveau-Brunswick




Évaluations :              Enquête Scientifique et Conception Technologique – 60%

                                    Compréhension de la nature de la science et technologie – 30%

                                    Littéracie Scientifique – 10%


La note de passage est de 60%.  Ce cours est nécessaire afin de pourvoir prendre les cours de science de 11e année.

Une grande partie de ce cours sera complété en petits groupes ou en groupe de classe entière, donc les présences et la participation seront très important au succès scolaire de ce cours.

Aide supplémentaire: Si tu as besoin d’aide supplémentaire, viens me voir pour céduler un temps pendant lequel nous sommes tous les deux disponibles.

Absences:   Si tu manques une classe (ou plus) c’est ta responsabilité d’obtenir le matériel que tu as manqué.  Si tu manques un test ou un travail, il doit être écris/remis le premier jour que tu reviens (si aucun autre arrangement à été fait). 

Note: Ce cours est académique et nécessitera qu’une quantité de travail soit fait à l’extérieur de la classe.  Vous devez terminer tous les travaux donnés ou bien votre manque de participation sera adressé d’après les règlements d’école.

Ce programme peut changer.

Posted: February 1, 2022

Number Relations & Functions (2021 - 2022)

Bobby Jo Hickey and Laura Ketch

phone:  (506) 523-7160



                                Factors and Polynomials – 40%

Relations and Functions – 40%

Linear Functions – 20%



Ø        Math notebook (a binder with loose leaf works best)

Ø    Graph paper (1 pack)

Ø    Scientific calculator

Ø    Ruler (15 cm or 30 cm)

Ø     Pencils (lots) and erasers



Late Policy:

Ø    It is important to respect assignment deadlines.  If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.  Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.  

Ø    If a student is absent on a due date, a written note from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return (or the office must be notified of the student’s absence), unless work is submitted online (and on time).


Course Evaluation:

Ø    A demonstration of learning in June may consist of an exam, a cumulative project or assignment to be determined at a later date.


Extra Help:

Ø    Extra help is available at lunch by appointment with the teacher. 

Ø    Study block pull-outs are available on Tuesdays and Thursday to work with Mrs. Kelly Conroy (Numeracy lead). 



Course Text:  (Pearson) Foundations and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 10 




Unit 1:  Algebra and Number                                                                                                               

Chapter 1:  Factors and Products                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Unit 2:  Relations and Functions

Chapter 2: Relations and Functions                 

Chapter 3: Linear Functions                                                          

Chapter 4: Systems of Linear Equations  (Time permitting                                 

        Chapter 5:  Distance / Midpoint (Time permitting) 

Posted: February 1, 2022

Syllabus – 2021-2022

Biology 112                                                                                                     Mrs. L. Ketch

Resources:     Textbook: Biology (Prentice Hall)

Students must have a notebook in which handouts can be placed, pens / pencils, a ruler and eraser / liquid paper.

Units of Study:

            Unit 1: The Cell

The development of cell theory; Microscope techniques; A closer look at cells and cell organelles; The processes that move materials through the cell membrane; Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Unit 2:  Biodiversity

Principles of taxonomy; Characteristics of major groups; A more detailed look at the six kingdoms; Biodiversity within ecosystems

Unit 3:  Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium

Homeostasis; Circulatory system; Respiratory system; Digestive system; Excretory system; Immune system


                   Course Evaluations:  Cell Biology Concepts & Products – 40%

                                    Biodiversity Concepts & Products – 40%

                                    Human Body Systems Concepts & Products – 10%

                                    Scientific Literacy – 10%

 **Final assessment to be determined at a later date.              

A final mark of 60% is required in order to receive full credit for this course.

 This is an academic course meant to start preparing students for post-secondary studies.  Students will be required to put in a certain amount of work outside class time.

Extra help:  Extra help is available during lunch as per schedule available in class – see white board.  See me if you wish to schedule a time for extra help.  A science study block period is available daily, and students will have the ability to connect virtually with the teacher during their at-home-learning days.

Absences:  If you miss one or more classes, it is your responsibility to catch up on all missed notes and work. If you have missed a test, it must be written on your first day back to school unless another arrangement has been made in advance.  Medical excuses or written excuses for legitimate absences from parents are required to get extensions or to write a missed test / quiz (these can be applied to group work marks if necessary). 


Group marks and Lab marks:  Attendance is a crucial part of group and lab marks assigned in this course.  If you are absent for one or more days used for group work or labs, your mark may be adjusted to reflect the loss of learning.

Late Assignments:  It is important to respect assignment deadlines.  If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.  Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.  

Notice will be given in class if it this syllabus changes.       

Posted: September 7, 2021

Welcome back everyone!  Here is my schedule for the first semester.  You can find the syllabus for each class by scrolling down from this post!

Period 1:  FI GMF 10

Period 2:  Science 10

Period 3:  Biology 122

Period 4:  Biology 112

All my students will be invited to a class-TEAMS: please be sure to confirm your student login and password in order to be able to access the online content that will be posted regularly for your offsite learning days. TEAMS will be the main online platform through which I disseminate course materials, assignments and deadlines.  If you have any questions, you can reach me by email at

Posted: September 7, 2021


Geometry, Measurement and Finance 10 (2021 - 2022):


Bobby Jo Hickey and Laura Ketch


phone:  (506) 523-7160






                        Financial Math:           Unit Pricing – 20%


                                                      Earning Income – 20%


                                                      Financial Services – 10%


                        Geometry:                 Trigonometry and Angles – 25%


                                                      Surface Area, Volume and Measurements – 15%


                        Problem Solving:         Problem-Solving Strategies – 10%


Note: This outcome-based category will include problems of the week and SCOs related to puzzles and games related to spatial reasoning






Problem of the Week:


Ø    Problems will be made available every Monday before 8:30am and will be due before 3:30pm every Friday.               


Late Policy:


Ø    It is important to respect assignment deadlines.  If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.  Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.  


Ø    If a student is absent on a due date, a written note from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return (or the office must be notified of the student’s absence), unless work is submitted online (and on time). 




Course Text:  (Pacific Educational Press) MathWorks 10 New Brunswick Edition 






Unit 1:  Measurements and Conversions 


Chapter 1: System of Measurement and Conversion 


Unit 2: Financial Math 


Chapter 2: Unit Pricing & Currency Exchange 


Chapter 3: Earning Income   


Chapter 4: Financial Services                                 


 Unit 3: Geometry


 Chapter 5: Trigonometry of Right Triangles


 Chapter 6: Mass, Temperature, Surface Area, Volume and Capacity                                              





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Posted: September 7, 2021

Course Syllabus 2021-2022

 Science 10         Mrs. L. Ketch; Ms. A. Thompson; Ms. O’Toole

 Resources: Main Text: Science 10 (Nelson)

Students must also have a scientific calculator, a ruler, metric graph paper, a note book and a periodic table (available at the library).

 The aim of the grade 10 science program is to develop scientific literacy.  Scientific literacy is a combination of the science-related attitudes, skills, and knowledge students need to develop.  These skills will allow students to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them. To develop scientific literacy, students require diverse learning experiences that provide opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate, and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society, and the environment. (ACSC)


Syllabus:         Unit 1 – Physical Science – Chemical Processes 

Periodic table of elements; characteristics of elements; reactions of elements; chemical equations; acids and bases.

Unit 2 – Physical Science – Motion & Electricity 

Measuring and calculating relationships between distance, speed, time and acceleration, gravity studies; Electrical circuits, electricity production                 


Course Grading:           Chemistry Processes concepts and products:  60%

                               Motion & Electricity concepts and products:  30%

                               Scientific Literacy:  10%

 **Final assessment evaluations will be weighted according to the BLMS Academic Exam Incentive.                           

Students must obtain a minimum mark of 60% to pass this course.  This course is required in order to be able to take grade 11 science courses.

Extra Help: If at any time a student is having difficulty in the course, extra help is available upon a student’s request.  A schedule for lunch-time help is posted in the classroom and study-block pull-outs are available most months.

Absences:  If you miss one or more classes, it is your responsibility to catch up on all missed notes and work. Medical excuses or written excuses for legitimate absences are required from parents to get extensions or to write a missed test / quiz.  If you have missed a test, it must be written on your first day back to school unless another arrangement has been made in advance.

Group marks and Lab marks:  Attendance is a crucial part of group and lab marks assigned in this course.  If you are absent for one or more days used for group work or labs, your mark may be adjusted to reflect the number of days you were absent.

Late Assignments:  It is important to respect assignment deadlines.  Late assignments impact learning!  If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.  Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.  

Notice will be given in class if it this syllabus changes.

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Posted: September 7, 2021


Syllabus – 2021-2022

 Biology 122                                                                                                     Mrs. L. Ketch

 Resources:     Textbook: Biology (Prentice Hall)

Students must have a notebook in which handouts can be placed, pens / pencils, a ruler and eraser / liquid paper.

 Units of Study:

            Unit 1: Genetic Continuity

Mitosis and cellular reproduction; Meiosis and the production of gametes; DNA structure and replication; Protein synthesis and genetic mutations; Mendelian genetics; Inheritance; Genetic engineering

Unit 2:  Evolution, Change and Diversity

Evolutionary theory; Mechanisms and patterns of evolution

Unit 3:  Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium II

Digestive, Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive systems 


 Course Evaluations:        Genetic Continuity concepts & products – 60%

                        Evolution, Change and Diversity concepts & products – 20%

                        Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium II concepts and products – 20%

                       **Final assessment evaluations will be weighted according to the BLMS Academic Exam Incentive.    

A final mark of 60% is required in order to receive full credit for this course.

This is an academic course meant to prepare students for post-secondary studies.  Students will be required to put in a certain amount of work outside class time.

 Extra help:  Extra help is available during lunch according to the schedule – see white board in class for dates and times.  See me if you wish to schedule a time for extra help.

 Absences:  If you miss one or more classes, it is your responsibility to catch up on all

missed notes and work. Medical excuses or written excuses from parents are required to get extensions or to write a missed test / quiz.  If you have missed a test, it must be written on your first day back to school unless another arrangement has been made in advance (these can be applied to group work marks if necessary).

 Tardy Work:    All work (online and in person) must be completed on time and submitted by the due date. Any assignment handed in later than the due date must be accompanied by a medical note or a written note for a legitimate absence from parents.  

Group marks and Lab marks:  Attendance is a crucial part of group and lab marks assigned in this course.  If you are absent for one or more days used for group work or labs, your mark may be adjusted to reflect the loss of learning.

Late Assignments:  It is important to respect assignment deadlines.  If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.  Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.  

Notice will be given in class if it this syllabus changes.       


Microsoft Office document icon syllabus_biology_122_-_2021.doc32 KB

Posted: September 7, 2021


Syllabus – 2021-2022 

Biology 112                                                                                                     Mrs. L. Ketch

Resources:     Textbook: Biology (Prentice Hall)

Students must have a notebook in which handouts can be placed, pens / pencils, a ruler and eraser / liquid paper.

Units of Study:

            Unit 1: The Cell

The development of cell theory; Microscope techniques; A closer look at cells and cell organelles; The processes that move materials through the cell membrane; Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Unit 2:  Biodiversity

Principles of taxonomy; Characteristics of major groups; A more detailed look at the six kingdoms; Biodiversity within ecosystems

Unit 3:  Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium

Homeostasis; Circulatory system; Respiratory system; Digestive system; Excretory system; Immune system 


Course Evaluations:  Cell Biology Concepts & Products – 40%

                                    Biodiversity Concepts & Products – 40%

                                    Human Body Systems Concepts & Products – 10%

                                    Scientific Literacy – 10%

**Final assessment evaluations will be weighted according to the BLMS Academic Exam Incentive.                   

A final mark of 60% is required in order to receive full credit for this course.

This is an academic course meant to start preparing students for post-secondary studies.  Students will be required to put in a certain amount of work outside class time.

Extra help:  Extra help is available during lunch as per schedule available in class – see white board.  See me if you wish to schedule a time for extra help.  A science study block period is available daily, and students will have the ability to connect virtually with the teacher during their at-home-learning days.

Absences:  If you miss one or more classes, it is your responsibility to catch up on all missed notes and work. If you have missed a test, it must be written on your first day back to school unless another arrangement has been made in advance.  Medical excuses or written excuses for legitimate absences from parents are required to get extensions or to write a missed test / quiz (these can be applied to group work marks if necessary). 

 Group marks and Lab marks:  Attendance is a crucial part of group and lab marks assigned in this course.  If you are absent for one or more days used for group work or labs, your mark may be adjusted to reflect the loss of learning.

 Late Assignments:  It is important to respect assignment deadlines.  If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.  Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.  

 Notice will be given in class if it this syllabus changes.       


Microsoft Office document icon syllabus_biology_112_-_2021.doc35 KB

Posted: February 4, 2021

Welcome back everyone!  Here is my schedule for the second semester.  You can find the syllabus for each class by scrolling down from this post!

Period 1:  FI NRF 10

Period 2:  Biology 112

Period 3:  FI Science 10

All my students will be invited to a class-TEAMS: please be sure to confirm your student login and password in order to be able to access the online content that will be posted regularly for your offsite learning days. TEAMS will be the main online platform through which I disseminate course materials, assignments and deadlines.  If you have any questions, you can reach me by email at


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Oct 21 2010


Introduction to Environmental Science 120
Bio 122 - Essay 1 - Rubric
Bio 122 - Essay 1 Requirements
Bio 112 Exam Review - Part 3 of 4