Posted: September 7, 2021
Geometry, Measurement and Finance 10 (2021 - 2022):
Bobby Jo Hickey and Laura Ketch
phone: (506) 523-7160
Financial Math: Unit Pricing – 20%
Earning Income – 20%
Financial Services – 10%
Geometry: Trigonometry and Angles – 25%
Surface Area, Volume and Measurements – 15%
Problem Solving: Problem-Solving Strategies – 10%
Note: This outcome-based category will include problems of the week and SCOs related to puzzles and games related to spatial reasoning
Problem of the Week:
Ø Problems will be made available every Monday before 8:30am and will be due before 3:30pm every Friday.
Late Policy:
Ø It is important to respect assignment deadlines. If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date. Late assignments must be accompanied by a note.
Ø If a student is absent on a due date, a written note from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return (or the office must be notified of the student’s absence), unless work is submitted online (and on time).
Course Text: (Pacific Educational Press) MathWorks 10 New Brunswick Edition
Unit 1: Measurements and Conversions
Chapter 1: System of Measurement and Conversion
Unit 2: Financial Math
Chapter 2: Unit Pricing & Currency Exchange
Chapter 3: Earning Income
Chapter 4: Financial Services
Unit 3: Geometry
Chapter 5: Trigonometry of Right Triangles
Chapter 6: Mass, Temperature, Surface Area, Volume and Capacity