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All courses:
Due to the importance of being and active contributing members of a group for many of the projects marks will be earned based on the days present and working on a project. For example, if a project takes ten class days to complete and a student only attends five they will receive 50% of the mark that the group received.
All marks are based on a scale where a “C” indicates that work is sufficient but needs in improvement; a “B” is proficient; and an “A” indicates exceptional work. Students will have many opportunities for feedback and to improve their work before they hand in a final project.
Supplies: All courses need a USB, headphones, binder, paper and pen.
Late assignment policy:
- To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date.
- For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%). Weekends count as one day.
- If a student is absent on a due date, a written excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply.
- A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with. Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade.
- In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than 2 weeks after the given due date of the assignment. Term marks are final.
BLMS Attendance Incentive –
Exams are normally worth 30% of students’ mark. To reach Academic Incentive, a student must meet the following criteria:
1) Miss 5 or fewer classes in that particular subject (school activities exempted); AND
2) Be in good standing (not owing for assignments, projects, etc.)
The subject teacher will then apply one of the three following options to the student’s advantage:
1) 15% Final Exam, 85% Class Mark
2) 50% Final Exam, 50% Class Mark
Extra help is available at lunch upon request.
Sciences humaines (Social Studies) FI9 – period 1 and 2
This course is designed with the intention exploring all aspects of Canadian identity. We will cover topics including culture, geography, politics, immigration, world issues, and history. This course includes many projects and hands-on activities. Students will not have homework every night, but there will times where they will be working on big projects and have work to do at home.
Tentative marking scheme
Semester 1 | Quizzes and Tests 30% Projects 50% Classroom and homework 20% | 35% |
Semester 2 | 35% |
Final | Final evaluation project shows knowledge of all the units | 30% |
Graphic Arts – period 4
This course is designed with the intention of learning how to critically appreciate and create graphic designs. Students will explore taking and editing images. This course can be an introductory for students interested in doing design as a career or for personal use like making cards, posters, brochures and re-touching pictures. The emphasis of this course is on continuous learning as a community of learners. Students with limited computer skills can do very well in this course; however, students with irregular attendance are not likely to succeed as all the work is done in class using our software.
Materials: Sketchbook or duotang with blank paper
Tentative marking scheme
Semester 1 | Daily sketchbook 10% Reflections 10% Workflow, planning and team work 20% Designs 60% | 35% |
Semester 2 | 35% |
Final | Final project that includes aspects of all of the previous units | 30% |
Coop MAKE 120 – period 5
BLMS MakerSpace explores STEAM projects that involve Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. This course will enable students to undertake creative, innovative and entrepreneurial projects in the classroom. Students will explore a variety of technologies while designing and engineering their own projects. The course is designed to apply the 4C’s of creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communications. These skills are beneficial in any workplace and are essential for life-long learning.
Tentative marking scheme
Semesters 1 and 2 | Attitude 33% Skills 33% Work habits 34% | 35% each |
Final | Final project that includes aspects of all of the previous units | 30% |