Ms. Lennox

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: April 12, 2011

Acting Out Porject due Tuesday, April 19th.  (See attachment.)   Tonight's homework, Act II, Sc. i, ii and iii questions in Macbeth.  (see attachment)   Racism essay rewrites due Friday, April 15th.
Microsoft Office document icon acting_out_act_iii_and_iv.doc24 KB
Microsoft Office document icon act_ii.doc29.5 KB

Posted: April 12, 2011

You must have 1982 and the corresponding questions read in MKD for Monday, April 18th.  Tomorrow we will be reading "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkener.  You could read your short story notes for an upcoming quiz any time...

Posted: April 8, 2011

All of 1977 in MKD must be read...and the questions must be answered for Monday. The Masque of the Red Death will be due on Tuesday.

Posted: April 8, 2011

Work on Macbeth questions for Act I, scenes v, vi, and vii.  They are due Monday.
Microsoft Office document icon act_i_0.doc38 KB

Posted: April 5, 2011

We are now reading "Macbeth".  For tomorrow, have Act I, scenes i, ii, iii, and iv questions completed.  You can always study your terminology and re-read acts to help your understanding of the play.
Microsoft Office document icon act_i.doc38 KB

Posted: April 5, 2011

Attached are the short story notes that we will be covering in English tomorrow.  (You have already received copies of these notes.) Tomorrow I will give you the short story "The Masque of the Red Death" and questions.  They will need to be completed by Wednesday.

Posted: March 23, 2011

Shakespeare in Love worksheet
Microsoft Office document icon shakespeare_in_love.doc29.5 KB

Posted: March 23, 2011

See below to note when you need to have certain chapters in MKD read by: Here are the questions for 1965.  (see attachment)
Microsoft Office document icon the_memory_keeper_schedule.doc23.5 KB
Microsoft Office document icon the_memory_keeper_1965_questions.doc27.5 KB

Posted: March 18, 2011

You have a 250 word reaction paper due on Monday. Topic:  Should employers/school officials (university) be able to base their descisions on your credibility from your social networking site?  Or, should FB/Twitter/etc. be considered personal?

Posted: March 17, 2011

Short stories and analysis are due on Monday, March 21st.  See below for details.
Microsoft Office document icon create_a_story.doc38.5 KB



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Added: Mon, Nov 14 2011