Ms. Ketch Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: September 19, 2012

Welcome back everyone!  I hope you're all settling in well to the new school year. Here are the notes for Chapter 1 - the Quiz is scheduled for Friday! 

Posted: May 25, 2012

Attached is the worksheet for NRF (Due Monday) and review for Monday's Bio test.

Posted: January 23, 2012

Hurray! The website is back up! Here are the much-anticipated exam review sheet answers. Just a note:  I do not have a digital copy of the review answers for chapters 1 & 2, so you have 2 choices: Make do without them or come to my class to see the hard copies.  Sorry for the inconvenience! The exam is Tuesday afternoon, see everyone there (remember to bring back your textbooks!)  
Here are the notes on the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems.  I've also included the review and answers for test prep.  Tst is on Thursday!

Posted: November 28, 2011

Apparently, the last fiel I uploaded didn't include the ocrrection slides like I promised!  So sorry - here is the  updated file!
PDF icon review_with_answers.pdf208 KB

Posted: November 25, 2011

Pour le cours de GMF 10 (Periode 2) - Les # de revision dans le manuel sont a la page 89 (#2, 3, 4, 5).  La feuille supplementaire de revision est attachee a cette note.  (Voir en dessous)  Le test est MARDI!!   Pour le cours de NRF 10 (Periode 3) - les # de revision dans le manuel sont a la page 389 (#11, 12i, ii, 14, 16, 18, 19a, 22, 25, 26).  Le test est LUNDI!!
File revision_francais_-_chapitre_4.docx19.72 KB
Here are teh notes for chapters 5 and 6, as well as the review and the review correction.  The test is scheudled for Thursday. 

Posted: October 20, 2011

Voici la leçon d'aujourd'hui pour ceux qui l'ont manqué.   Bonne fin de semaine à tous!!  :)
PDF icon nrf_ch._3_lecon_2.pdf293.03 KB

Posted: October 19, 2011

Voici la première leçon sur les finances (rapports et taux) pour ceux qui l'ont manqué.  :) 

Posted: October 6, 2011

Notes for chapter 4 and review for test.  Test is TOMORROW (FRIDAY)!!!

Posted: September 28, 2011

Here are the notes for Chapter 3.  All you've ever wanted to know about DNA, and MORE!  :) Quiz is tomorrow (Thursday).

Posted: September 23, 2011

Voici les notes de trigonometrie vues en classe pour ceux qui ont manque le(s) cours.  :)    Bonne fin de semaine a tous!

Posted: September 21, 2011

Here are the lessons for chapter two and the review info slide.  Corrections are available in class.  Test is scheduled for next MONDAY.  (Essay due date has been pushed back to Tuesday).
Voici la lecon au sujet de bissecter un angle (en format PDF) et la lecon au sujet des droites paralleles.  J'ai aussi inclu les devoirs pour les derniers 3 jours.   :)
