
Posted: December 16, 2009

Three of our alumni from BLMS at the Beaverbrook Scholars dinner with Dr. H.E.A. Campbell, President and Vice-Chancellor of UNB.  Pictured left to right:  Kristina Rodgers (Class of 2006), Michael Lawson (Class of 2008), Dr. Campbell and Carolyn Wilson (Class of 2007).

Posted: December 16, 2009

Premier Graham, class of 1986,  visited Mr. Mazerolle's World Issues class to discuss the sale of NB Power.  The Premier said he was always glad to get back to BLMS as he felt right at home, therefore it was only fitting that he took a seat with the students where he once sat 19 years ago. 

Posted: December 4, 2009

We have an on-going issue with some students who are bringing vehicles to school.  The problem centers on students using those vehicles... arriving late in the morning, leaving during class times and/or taking other students with them.  All three situations are disruptive and take away from student learning.  There are also some safety issues and implications for student insurance!  Effective immediately any student using a vehicle during class time will not be permitted to park it on school property for the remainder of the semester.

Posted: November 25, 2009

The BLMS Home and School Association, under the direction of Brenda Fahey,  has made a $500 donation of books to our library.  Ms. Leblanc is busy creating a wish list of current titles that students have been requesting. We are extremely grateful for the addition to our collection and this support of our literacy initiatives.   Thank you to the Home and School Association!  If, as a parent, you would like to become involved in the work of the association, leave your name with Ms. McEachern and she will connect you to Ms. Fahey.   

Posted: November 23, 2009

  On Friday, November 27th, 120 BLMS students will be travelling to James M. Hill High School in Miramichi to represent our school and take part  in the Olympic Torch Celebration.   This is a unique opportunity to be part of Olympic and Canadian history as we recognize and celebrate the arrival of this Olympic symbol in our area.  This will be a wonderful experience for all students and in particular for Peter Hachey, Justin Lawson and Carolyn Simon, our local torch bearers  

Posted: November 18, 2009

Elders, His Honour and Mr. WalshTrish-Arcaro Barlow and His Honour unofficially accepting a giftShelby Warman and His HonourHis Honour and BLMS Torch Runners Carloyn Simon, Justin Lawson and Peter HacheyMs. McEacheron, His Honour, Richard Walsh 

Posted: November 10, 2009

  The theatre was filled with students at four different times today as each grade level gathered to honor the men and women who serve our country to ensure our rights and freedoms.  Mrs. Halas Moulton and Ms.

Posted: November 9, 2009

The 2009 - 2010 Student Cards have arrived.  They are now available to those students who have their fees paid.  Others may see Ms. Conroy to pay outstanding amounts. Fees are $40 per student ... $70 for two in the same house hold ... $90 for three or more.   (Fees go towards things like the Kevin Brooks presentation which cost us $ 1249.00)

Posted: November 7, 2009

Ms. Dawn Glendenning (Hudson) has joined the staff of BLMS, effective November 9, 2009.  We welcome Mrs. Glendenning and we look forward to the positive contribution she will make to both the students and staff.   Welcome Mrs. Glendenning! 


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