Are you interested in politics? Do you like to be a leader? Are you between the ages of 15 and 18 years old and would like to spend an exciting week in Ottawa? Here is your chance to meet Members of Parliament, Senators, media and business leaders! There is also a separate conference for Teachers. Check it out at Some additional information is also available in the Guidance office. Drop by anytime!
If you are interested in attending a university and continuing your studies in French there is an interactive cross-Canada map that will show you which universities offer which courses and also the kind of support they offer for second language learners:
There is also $200, 000 in bursaries to be won AND an opportunity to travel as a bilingualism ambassador at
You will get a glimpse of student life and chat with many Mount students who are eager to answer your questions and show you around. You will also have fun!! Open Campus Day: friday, November 5, 2010. Register at
Our first meeting of the PSSC will take place on Tuesday, October 12th @ 7:00pm in the conference room by the main office. All parents are welcomed to attend.
Teachers will be involved in provincial meetings on Thursday and Friday, October 7th and 8th and students will not have classes. Also, Monday, October 11th is Thanksgiving Day and all schools will be celebrating that national holiday.
Students will receive a 'mini progress report' on Wednesday, October 6th, in each of their classes. This mini report will give parents and students a sense of their level of achievement at this point in the semester. The formal report card will be available on November 4th with Parent Teacher interviews the evening of November 4th and the morning of November 5th.
Once again, the students of BLMS tied up their sneakers in support of Terry Fox 30th Anniversary.
A little over $1000 was raised in support of this worthwhile cause and the students had a chance to win prizes for participating. Top fundraiser was Sabrina Phinney an upcoming 2011 grad, who raised $80.Thanks to the students who participated, Mrs. Scully for organizinig the event and to those who sponsored our students and provided the prizes.
Well known international journalist Gwynne Dyer will be visiting our school and addressing the student body on Monday, October 18th @ 2:15pm. Mr. Dyer will be dealing with topics related to "The Middle East" and will be hosted by our World Issues class, under the direction of Mr. Mazerolle. Parents and the general public are invited to attend this special presentation.
On Thursday, Sept 23rd we will be hosting a corn boil and Open House here at BLMS and all parents are invited and encouraged to attend. We will be providing corn, hamburgers, etc from 4:30pm - 5:30pm followed by a brief, more formal session, that will provide an opportunity for parents to meet their child's teachers at 5:30. The Parent School Support Committee will be meeting at 6:15pm Any parent interested in serving on the PSSC is encouraged to contact the school.