
Posted: January 12, 2011

523-0900  - call when the weather is questionable,  for the latest info on possible school closures.

Posted: January 12, 2011

As students finalize their course selections for the second semester it should be noted that any student choosing to take an Industrial Arts class is required, by law, to wear steel toed boots during all shop classes.  Students unprepared to meet this requirement will not be permitted to select Industrial courses.  This regulation is part of the Health and Safety guidelines, as outlined by the government of NB and is meant to ensure a safer environment for all students.

Posted: December 14, 2010

A week long campaign that highlights bullying issues, has kicked off at BLMS! During the campaign, students have prepared posters, video clips, designed ribbons for the entire school population to be distributed on Friday morning along with "Wear Blue"  and sign the Anti-Bullying poster to be displayed in the foyer. An article will appear in the local paper Focus on Kent that was written by one of our journalism students.  There will be a one hour, school wide presentation outlined and directed by students. It will include role plays, skits, news report and a guest speaker.

Posted: December 14, 2010

Students will be receiving a "mini progress report" in each of their classes on Thursday, December 16th.  This will give students and parents/guardians a good snapshot of student achievement levels one month before final examinations begin on January 25th, 2011.

Posted: December 7, 2010

Next Wednesday is the Christmas Choir Canata and Thursday through Friday is the school play. It's time to buy tickets for the BLMS Christmas play!  This year's annual production will include a one act play and an improv show, so you're guaranteed to laugh and have a great time!  Get your tickets at the office or from the actors - only $5 for students and $7 for adults!  There will be no performance for the school, so make sure you buy your tickets to the evening show before they sell out!

Posted: November 30, 2010

We have been advised, by Public Health, that there are two new cases of Whooping Cough among our students.  Every student was given  an information bulletin today and I encourage parents to go over the material with their child (children) this evening.

Posted: November 17, 2010

On Tuesday, parents of students in the Grad Class of 2011 gathered to discuss issues related to Prom/Grad 2011.  Among items agreed upon was the Grad Class Fee - set at $100 and payable by Feb 28, 2011.  Other relevant information will be circulated by the Grad Newsletter  which will be available in early December.  

Posted: November 10, 2010

Thank you to all the amazing students who were involved in the making of the Rememberance Day video and ceremony today.  It was veay powerful.  For those who missed it or want to see it again the "We Remember" video, video of the ceremony and pictures of the ceremony are on the Bengals' Roar page. Of course, there will be no classes on November 11th.

Posted: November 8, 2010

Check out the website: or check out the Guidance page (It's listed under Teacher Pages)  for lots more info. Drop by the Guidance area anytime.


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