Ms. Ketch

Welcome To Our Page

Period 1 (FI NRF):  Le QUIZ sera MERCREDI (le 27 Septembre!)   Le materiel a reviser est:  la simplification de polynomes (addition et soustraction), la multiplication de polynomes (ce qui inclu la multiplication de binomes) et la division de polynomes.  Si vous voulex des numeros de pratique avec lesquels reviser, vous pouvex utiliser votre manuel a la page 187, #15 et19. La correction se trouve a la page 479, ou bien vous pouvex venir me voir pours les problemes complets (avec les etapes).  L'aide supplementaire est MARDI et JEUDI.


Period 2:  Science 10 - Some students still owe assignments.  Make sure you've handed in your "Branches of Science" worksheet, your "Chemical Representations" worksheet, your "WHMIS worksheet" and your "Oil Spills Lab Report".  All of these are now past due.   There will be a QUIZ on WENESDAY.  The material to prepare for the quiz will be:  Chemial Representations (Be able to identify the checmical symbol, the atomic number, the number of protons, electrons and neutrons as well as the standard chemical representation of an element) and the WHMIS symbols (be able to identify the symbols and demonstrate an understanding of the safe handling procedures associated with each warning).


Period 3:  Biology 112 - The microscope lab will be completed tomorrow (TUESDAY) in class.  The lab sheets will need to be handed by THURSDAY a the latest.  There will be a test on Chapters 1 & 2 this FRIDAY in class.  All material covered in the course introdcution may also be included on the quix, so make sure you've got all your notes properly organized in order to be able to review.  Review materials will be provided later this week in class.

Posted: September 25, 2017

A delyaed welcome back to all students at BLMS, and especially those in my courses.  Below is a schedule of my courses for the first semester:

Period 1:  FI NRF 10 (Rapport Numeriques et Fonctions 10e)

Period 2:  Science 10

Period 3:  Biology 112

I will do my best to upload upcoming important dates and assignments to my teacher's page, so check often to stay on top of your work!

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NOTE:  For those who are absent, please note that the chapter 5 quiz has been set for WEDNESDAY, May 3.  If you are not here taht day, you will be expected to write the quiz the first day you return.

Attached are the two assignments for the end of chapter 5.  You must choose ONE, complete it in its entirety and hand it in (due date TBA - next week sometime!).  If you choose one and struggle with it, you can change your mind and comlete the other one instead.  You do NOT need to complete both.



Posted: May 1, 2017

Here are the notes till the end of Chapter 5.  I will update chapter 6 as we progress through it this week for those away on the exchange.

Reivew Corrections for pages 1 and 2 are available in class. (Even during exam week!)

Posted: October 5, 2016

Hey folks!  Here's the take-home test for chapters 1 & 2.  Be sure to read all instructions and questions carefully.  The test in due to be handed in on Tuesday.  If you're not going to be in class if the afternoon for SEVEC, please hand it in sometime in the morning, or have in placed in my mailbox in the office.  Late tests are subject to regular penalty marks.

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Posted: September 6, 2016

Welcome back everyone!  Below you'll find the schedule of courses I'll be teaching this fall, and I've attached the course syllabi for all of these courses.

NRF 10 (FI):  Period 3 (10:55-11:55)

Biology 112:  Period 4 (12:45-1:45)

Biology 122:  Period 5 (2:25-3:25)


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Added: Thu, Oct 21 2010