Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: May 15, 2017

Lire et répondre aux questions de la mammouth - le 19 mai

TEST de biologie - la reproduction - le 24 mai

Posted: May 15, 2017

Make 120 - Hour of Code

Posted: May 12, 2017

Look for ideas

Come up with an idea where we have or you can get the materials.  It needs to be a well developped project with a design journal and multiple steps.  You need to see a problem and come up with a solution.  The project needs to be finished to the best of your abilities (no sloppy work).

You need to document the process - video or pictures with voice over.

Posted: May 12, 2017

Prépare ton labo de plantes - le modèle est attaché ci-dessous

File modele_labo.docx13.75 KB

Choose an issue that we have been talking about to write a letter.  Here is a guide to writing your letter:

The letter must be: a page long (choose your best points), clear, asking them to do a specific action and be well written with no spelling/grammar mistakes.



  1. Paint your door, sign it (SMALL), and glaze it
  2. Colouring assignment # 1 use a colouring page and colour with complimentry colours (opposits on the colour wheel) - make sure you burn and dodge to make show light and shadow.
  3. Colouring assingment #2 - use a colouring page and colour with analogous colours (the four colours next to each other on the colour wheel) - - make sure you burn and dodge to make show light and shadow.
  4. Colouring assignment # 3 - use a real photograph and colour with complimentry colours 
  5. Colouring assignment # 4 - same as #3 but with analogous colours.

Posted: April 24, 2017

Présente - le 25 avril - apporter le matériel pour démontrer les parties d'une cellule animale et végétale (et planter les graines)

Quiz - le 26 avril - les parties de la cellule et comparer une cellule animale à végétale

Labo #5 plante - le 27 avril -  renseignments de bases, hypothèse, matériel et procédé

Posted: April 19, 2017

Read the article, "Can we Save our Salmon" and answer the following questions with some detail.

1.       Explain some of the challenges facing Atlantic salmon for their survival. (3 points)

2.       How is the CN Railway an example of the challenges facing salmon? (2 points)

3.       Give some historical examples of how Atlantic populations have changed over time. (1 point)

4.       What is the cultural importance of the salmon to the First Nations (make sure you read right to the end before answering this one) (4 points).

5.       How do volunteer organizations help to protect the salmon? (3 points)

6.       Are the salmon worth protecting? How can you contribute to their protection? (4 points)


Choose an endangered animal and do a project. The way you present your findings in your choice but you must research this:

  1. Some key points about the animal and their habitat
  2. Human impact on the animals and their environment
  3. What is being done to help those animals?
  4. What more do you suggest should be done?



Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020