Posted: September 24, 2018
Mr. Beers Notes
English 10 - Mr. Beers
Posted: September 24, 2018
Posted: January 9, 2018
Posted: November 29, 2017
Students will have a quiz on The Merchant of Venice (Act I & Act II) sometime during the Week of Dec 4th-9th.
Posted: November 16, 2017
When: November 23rd
Free Answers: Just look in your notebook and all the answers to the test are there.
Good Luck
Posted: October 23, 2017
All stories are posted on this site. Studnets are encouraged to think & respond critically.
Posted: October 2, 2017
Students will be writing a quiz Thursday, Oct 5th.
31pts available.
Posted: November 6, 2013
Due date for short stories are as follows: Wednesday (Nov 6th): Full MarksThursday or Friday (Nov 7th-8th): -10%Tuesday (Nov 12th): -25%(Assignments will not be collected after November 12th)
Posted: November 5, 2013
November 5th (Tuesday) @ 12:10pm in room 202.
Posted: April 10, 2013
Posted: March 26, 2013
Any student that scored a 55% or below must attend the mandatory re-write of the Norse unit test on March 27th @ noon in room 202.
Posted: March 26, 2013
To Kill
a Mockingbird
1. Acrimonious
2. Arbitrated
3. Deportment
4. Feral
5. Habiliments
6. Imprudent
7. Iniquity
8. Nebulous
9. Obstreperous
10. Palliate
11. Rectitude
12. Scuppernong
13. Succinct
14. Taciturn
15. Temerity
Posted: January 9, 2012
Here are the questions for the play Julius Caesar, Act's 1-5. Students must complete the questions by the 18th of January.
Posted: January 9, 2012
Click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser.
Posted: January 9, 2012
Creative projects are due for January 16th. Students will present their projects in class. Be sure to accompany your project with the required presentation.