Please make sure you are on time EXAMS START AT 8:30 and again at 12:30pm. See exam schedule posted under school documents, attached to this notice and each homeroom teacher has one posted in their classroom. Come prepared and return any books to either your teacher or the library. Turnaround Days are Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 26th and 27th. Classes for 2nd semester begin on Wednesday, January 28th.
If any student is interested in taking part in an oratory competition through the Rexton Lions Club, please seeMs. McLaughlin or Mrs. Warman. There are prizes to be won at both club and district level.
The RCLYLC 2015 is taking place at Mt. Allison University from July 12-19th. Application deadline is Feb. 20th. See Mrs. Pitre in Guidance for application and information. This is an 8 day leadership camp taught through activities. Everyone can apply.
** In the event of a snow day all exam will be moved forward a day. Example If there was a snow day on Monday then Monday's exams will be Tuesday and Tuesday's will be Wednesday etc. Monday AM: English 10, 113, 112, 123, 122Monday PM: Canadian Grography 120, Social Studies 9, Chemistry 112Tuesday AM: Math 9, Num & Rel 10, Foundations 110, Pre-cal ATuesday PM: Financial Work 110, Bus. Org.
Monday, Jan 5th- No School for Students. All ASD-N Teachers and Support Staff will be taking part in scheduled school based professional development sessions. Students will return to classes on Tuesday, Jan 6th.
All Schools CLOSED today (Thursday, Dec 18th)in ASD-N.As per district policy, all school related activities are also cancelled, this would include the semi formal which will be rescheduled after the holidays.
Thank you to all the volunteers and cafeteria staff at Bonar Law School who prepared and served a free delicious turkey dinner to all students and staff today. It was enjoyed by all. This would have not been possible without the support and donations from EWG Food Services, Foodland (Thanks Dave) and the United Church Restoration Committee. FB link to Pictures
December17 is designated by the provincial government as Anti-bullying Day, also known as Blue Day. Lets all show our support. All students and staff are encouraged to wear something blue.
A Free Holiday Turkey Dinner will be available to all BLMS Students and Staff on Wednesday Dec 17th.
A special thank you goes out to both our cafeteria provider, EWG Food Services and Rexton Foodland for their donation of time and food.
This would not be possible, without their generosity and support.
Note: This will be the only item on the menu for that day.