January 2015 Exam schedule

Posted: January 9, 2015

** In the event of a snow day all exam will be moved forward a day.  Example If there was a snow day on Monday then Monday's exams will be Tuesday and Tuesday's will be Wednesday etc. Monday AM: English 10, 113, 112, 123, 122Monday PM: Canadian Grography 120, Social Studies 9, Chemistry 112Tuesday AM: Math 9, Num & Rel 10, Foundations 110, Pre-cal ATuesday PM: Financial Work 110, Bus. Org. Management 120, Social Studies 10Wednesday AM: Physics 112, Bio 120, Chem 122, Info Tech 120, French 10Wednesday PM: Science 10, Bio 112, Bio 113, Nutrition 120Thursday AM: Pre-calculus B, Geo and Measurement 10, Intro to accounting 120Thursday PM: Modern History 113, 112Friday: Conflict Day