Ms. Halas Moulton

Mrs. Halas Moulton teaches Graphic Arts, Digital Tech, Science, Social Studies, Make, Environmental Issues and World Issues

Posted: April 29, 2010

      Take an image and take away as much information as you can and still show the shape x 5 Take a photoe and draw over top of it using lines to show texture, shading and shape.

Posted: April 27, 2010

Just to get you thinking: You must create a body of work that really shows off your abilities - suggestions a magazine, a graphic novel, a portfolio... Probably 5-6 images though this is open to negotiation. The work must be significant not something that can be rushed through in a couple of periods. You will have three weeks of class time to complete the final project May 14th-June 4th. You will need to show at least the following skills: text with effects and variety of sizes and styles, seamless merges of images, seamless colour corrections, brightness corrections, use of copyright free material, digital photography or scanned/hand drawn art.... Your work can be done in pairs but each contribution will need to be identified by the actual creator.

Posted: April 27, 2010

Choose one subject (a person, a pencil, a basketball) Take many pictures of that object and submit your 10 best images. You will be marked based on three points - rule of thirds, variety of shot (point of view, macro settings, action shots, over the shoulder, worm's eye, new angles....) and overall quality (focus, positioning, lighting)

Posted: April 27, 2010

Posted: April 23, 2010


Thu, Apr 29/10 9:00 pm

Posted: April 23, 2010


Thu, Apr 8/10 9:00 pm
Photo touch-up and merge

Posted: April 23, 2010

PART 1 Look at advertising campaigns.  Choose an advertising campaign that you think is powerful and effective.  Something that would make you consider the product and allows you to answer all of the following questions. Paste the ad into the top of your word document. What kind of images were used?  Guess at what Photoshop changes were made to this image.  (4 points) How is the choice of image effective?  (3 points) What style of text is used?  To they use a variety of text sizes?  How is that choice of font effective? Guess at what the graphic artist used to get the text perfect.  (Sizing? shadowing? inner/outer glow? appropriate font?) (5 points) How is the choice of amount of information effective?  (Text and image) - (2 points) What mood/atmosphere is created?  How?  (3 points) What clever twist did the graphic artist bring to advertising to make this campaign effective for you?  (3 points) Someone else's choice of effective add campaigns:  (ignore the first one on this page - no you may no use it)   PART 2 Create your own add campaign.  (Keep what you are selling school appropriate.)  Use what you learned from the assignment above to create a powerful add.  Think about how little and how much text and image to use to communicate your message clearly.  Can you come up with a brilliant, original twist to advertising? 

Posted: April 16, 2010

Flying Tutorial for Stop motion

Posted: April 16, 2010

Copyright challenges - DJ Danger Mouse

Posted: April 14, 2010

Microsoft Office document icon Stop_motion_instructions.doc27 KB


Image Galleries


Added: Mon, Sep 14 2020