Posted: April 23, 2010
Look at advertising campaigns. Choose an advertising campaign that you think is powerful and effective. Something that would make you consider the product and allows you to answer all of the following questions.
Paste the ad into the top of your word document.
What kind of images were used? Guess at what Photoshop changes were made to this image. (4 points)
How is the choice of image effective? (3 points)
What style of text is used? To they use a variety of text sizes? How is that choice of font effective? Guess at what the graphic artist used to get the text perfect. (Sizing? shadowing? inner/outer glow? appropriate font?) (5 points)
How is the choice of amount of information effective? (Text and image) - (2 points)
What mood/atmosphere is created? How? (3 points)
What clever twist did the graphic artist bring to advertising to make this campaign effective for you? (3 points)
Someone else's choice of effective add campaigns: (ignore the first one on this page - no you may no use it)
Create your own add campaign. (Keep what you are selling school appropriate.) Use what you learned from the assignment above to create a powerful add. Think about how little and how much text and image to use to communicate your message clearly. Can you come up with a brilliant, original twist to advertising?