Parents and guardians are invited to complete an online survey on child care in New Brunswick as part of the public consultation being conducted by the Child Care Sector Task Force. The survey is available at : The survey will remain online until Nov. 2. It represents a chance for New Brunswickers to tell the taskforce what kind of child care they are looking for, what options they have found, what works and what does not work in the current system.
For the first time in SHAD's history in New Brunswick they are offering a minimum of 25 scholarships of $2,000 each, available for New Brunswick students to go towards their fee for the SHAD summer program. In addition, they bursaries available for students who could not afford the program as they believe there should be no barriers to excellence.High-achieving students in grades 10, 11 and 12 can apply and to take advantage of this amazing opportunity and it costs nothing to apply!
Today BLMS studetns are participating in Student Vote Canada. During the October 19th Election night media coverage you will be able to compare how youth in our area voted.
Millions go purple on Spirit Day in a stand against bullying and to show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth.
Observed annually since 2010, individuals, schools, organizations, corporations, and public figures wear purple, which symbolizes 'spirit' on the rainbow flag.
The Anglophone North School District Education Council will be holding a public engagement session to discuss the 10-year education plan. The session will be held on Wednesday, October 7, at Bonar Law Memorial School, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Community members are encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, Sept. 30th we are asking all our staff and students to wear "Orange" The importance of this commemoration is to recognize the harm the residential school system did to children and affirm a commitment to remembering survivors and those who did not return home. Please help support this by wearing an orange shirt.
BLMS Open House/Meet and Greet is Thursday, Sept. 24th! Refreshments Meet and Greet from 5:30-6:00 followed by a Grade 9 information meeting for parents in the library and a Grad Information Meeting in the theater for grads and parents. At 6:30 will we hold our PSSC elections. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Names will be accepted at this time if you are interested in being a PSSC member. Refreshments will be available. See everyone there!
KidSport application deadline is September 30! These grants are up to $200 and preference is given to children in organized sports recognized by Sport New Brunswick. Applications can be picked up in the office. Specific grants for minor hockey registration is available through Maritime NHL'ers for KIDS Society and Hyundai Hockey Helpers.
Grads and Parents - Ring salesman will be here on Thursday, Sept. 17th at noon! School pictures are happening on Friday, Sept. 18th for everyone. BLMS Open House/Meet and Greet is Thursday, Sept. 24th! Refreshments and meet and greet 5:30-6:00 followed by a Grade 9 meeting for parents in the library and a Grad Meeting in the theater for all grads and parents. At 6:30 will we hold our PSSC meeting and elections if necessary. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, be informed and support your son/daugther's school year! You can also follow us on facebook!